  • 學位論文

基層緊急應變機制因應氣候變遷 調適策略之研究-以大園區災害應變 中心為例

The Basic of Emergency response mechanism for Adaptation strategies in response to climate change- As an example of Dayuan Emergency Operations Center

指導教授 : 林志棟


中文摘要 桃園市大園區轄內有桃園國際機場、竹圍漁港暨遊艇碼頭、大園工業 區,青埔高鐵特定區、航空城客貨運園區、大園都市計畫、菓林都市計畫 以及桃園國際機埸及附近地區特定區計畫(桃園航空城)等重要設施及建 設,根據2014 年4 月13 日IPCC 在德國發表報告指出,全球溫室氣體減 量速度太慢必需儘速提出未來調適對策。 在我國災害防救體系中基層鄉鎮市區公所,為第一線災害防救執行單 位,面對氣候變遷所衍生的「極端強降雨颱風」、「短延時致災降雨」等 極端氣候事件,其緊急應變能力與調適策略攸關人民生命與財產安全。 適逢桃園市升格直轄市改制轉換之際,原有鄉鎮市公所改制為區公 所,本研究研擬因應氣候變遷災害管理新思惟,由舊有減災、整備、應變、 復原等4 個階段,加入調適階段為5 個階段,並就鄉鎮市區公所因地制宜 研提調適策略。 本研究藉由探討大園區災前的災害風險管理、提升災中緊急應變的能 力、及研提未來的調適策略,期降低暴露量及脆弱度,並提高韌性,以達 全方位的「永續防災」之目標。


Abstract Dayuan District in Taoyuan city within its jurisdiction have important facilities planning and construction including Taoyuan International Airport, Zhuwei fishing marina, Dayuan Industrial Park, Qingpu High-speed rail area,Freight park of Airport City, Dayuan urban planning, Guolin urban planning ,Taoyuan Aerotrpolis etc. According to IPCC Report published April 13, 2014 in Germany, Due to the global greenhouse gas reduction rate is too slow, we must propose advance Climate Change Adaptation as soon as possible. In Taiwan the Disaster Prevention and Relief System, The Town City District Office as a first-line execution unit. Faced with climate change derived "extremely heavy rainfall typhoon", "short delay flooding and rain," and other extreme weather events, its emergency response capabilities and adaptation strategies stake people's lives and property safety. Fall on the Taoyuan City upgraded the Special municipality, Township office changed to the Civil Affairs District office. In this study, in response to the new thinking of climate change Disaster Management, from the old mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery and other four stages, adding in the stage of Climate Change Adaptation becomes five stages and propose the adaptation strategies for the Town City District Office acting as circumstances permit. Within this study to explore Dayuan pre-Disaster Risk Management, enhance the ability of emergency response in disaster, and research the Future Climate Change Adaptation. It is desirable to reduce Exposure and Vulnerability and improve the Resilience to achieve the goal of Sustainable Disaster Prevention.


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