  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 王國英


大氣層中的天氣系統發生於對流層內,而長程飛機為了避免天氣的影響,往往會爬升至10公里以上的高度,但是幾次嚴重的空難事故,如2009年的法航447班機空難和2014年的亞航8501空難,都是發生在飛機巡航階段,由10公里以上的高空失速墜毀,根據事後的事故調查,駕駛在面對發展至上對流層的天氣系統時錯誤的拉拔機鼻,進行爬升是造成失速的主要原因,當時飛機在一分鐘內爬升1.5km,飛行攻角過大而無法從環境取得足夠的升力,造成失速。 IAGOS計畫為藉由商用民航機進行大氣化學物質的觀測計畫,在對資料進行分析時發現,大部分的航班在巡航過程高度幾乎沒有變化,但是少部分航班在巡航階段高度隨時間有1-2公里的變化,而且這種高度的變化會在一段時間後回復到原先的巡航高度,也就是在飛行高度的時序圖呈現凹字型或凸字型,個別個案中的高度變化甚至超過空難時的高度變化。在使用IAGOS資料時,原先預期飛機觀測會在高層等壓面上巡航觀測,這樣的高度變化是有趣且未知的,因此本文將探討造成飛機在巡航高度時的變化原因為何。 本篇研究使用HYSPLIT模式的回軌跡計算,來判斷環境氣塊的垂直運動,並以此來討論IAGOS航班的高度變化是否是受到環境的影響。為了以HYSPLIT來表示環境的影響,因此計算的除了作飛機實際飛行位置的回軌跡計算、高度上正負1公里和2公里的計算,以及經度上正負2.5度的計算,模式的計算過程中使用的氣象場資料是GDAS的0.5度解析度資料。從個案分析上來看,當環境為上升時,飛機的巡航高度會上升,反之當環境氣塊呈現下沉時,飛機的巡航高度也會下降。而在個別個案中,可以看到當環境有強的上升情形時,飛機的巡航高度反而是下降的,而這些個案研判應該是由於強的對流系統是駕駛手動操作以避開旺盛對流區所致。




To prevent the influence of weather system in troposphere, commercial airplane always fly above 10 kilometers. But some air crash occurred when airplane flight above 10 kilometers, for example Air France Flight 447, which crashed on 1 June 2009 or AirAsia Flight QZ8501 which crashed on 28 December 2014. The result for AF447 air crash in Final report, the pilot made an abrupt nose-up input on the side-stick, an action that was unnecessary and excessive under the circumstances. The aircraft's angle of attack increased, and the aircraft started to climb , it was climbing at nearly 7,000 ft/min. The aircraft's angle of attack is so large that aircraft fell off. In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System is a plan that use in-service aircraft to observe ozone, water vapor, carbon monoxide. When I analysis the data from IAGOS, almost of all flight fly at stable flight level, but some flights changes the height, the variation of height is about 1 to 2 kilometer. This phenomenon is interesting for me. In this study, I want to understand the cause of this phenomenon by using HYSPLIT model to calculate the vertical movement of the environment, and discussing the interaction between environment and aircraft. HYSPLIT model is run using GDAS half-degree archive. Except calculating the real location of aircraft by HYSPLIT model, also calculating the location near 2.5 degree longitude and near 1 and 2 kilometer of height. The result show that the relationship between vertical movement of the environment and the change of aircraft is high variable.


IAGOS HYSPLIT Barometer altitude


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