  • 學位論文


The Analytic Reflection of Outcomes-based Curriculum: the Teacher's Perspectives.

指導教授 : 張佩芬


我國高等教育近年來開始著重「學生學習成效」一方面的評鑑,以成果導向(outcomes-based)為基礎的教學與評量已成最新趨勢,目前台灣各大專院校使用課程地圖的建置、核心能力的建置,較多注重學生能力的獲得,但對於教師層面如何落實以學習成果為導向的教學,目前仍缺乏具體的實證研究。緣此,本研究欲以成果導向為基礎,探究大一國文教師如何針對課程的三大核心能力,實施哪些教學策略於課堂中,以深入描繪個案教師在教學上的特色,以及教師對於教學的反思與面臨的困境。本研究之研究對象為一位個案教師與31位學生,藉由三角檢證法歸納分析教師對學生學習狀況的省思,並進入課室觀察一學年蒐集教師的教學,以及蒐集學生作品,以提升研究資料的客觀性。 研究發現個案教師的教學特色有(1)注重培養學生思辯的能力(2)以「人」為出發點的教學(3)培養學生帶的走的能力(4)挑選與學生背景相關的閱讀與故事。另一方面,雖然教師希望對學生的影響是潛移默化的課,但也提到在帶動學生討論的過程中面臨困難,可能是學生的背景知識不足,或是學生想要深入探究的動機薄弱。而在訪談中,學生認為教師似乎已有既定的答案,因此很擔心回答的內容並不是老師心中的標準答案,顯示教師與學生間對基礎知識的認知有所差異。本研究依據研究結果,提出以協助教師與學校思考未來課程可以改進的方向,以期能提升大學國文課程的教學品質。


In recent years, higher education appraisal in Taiwan has focused on the outcome-based teaching and assessments approaches. The construction of the curriculum mapping and core competencies in universities across Taiwan emphasizes the students’ acquisition of abilities and skills. However, studies regarding to how teachers conduct outcome-oriented teaching are still lacking. This study explores how a teacher of a Freshman Chinese course focused on the three core competencies and implemented teaching strategies in order to clearly delineate the teacher’s assets and the difficulties during the teaching process. The subjects of study include one college teacher and 23 students. The analysis of the teacher’s reflection of the students’ learning results through triangulation, In addition to interview the teacher, the researchers also entered the classroom to observe the teaching and learning of the class for one year, as well as collected the students’ work in order to triangulate the results from multiple sources. The results show that the teacher not only emphasized on cultivating students’ critical thinking skills, but more importantly, he strongly believed that students should begin by knowing themselves before expanding their scope to the people and the world around them, which was why the teacher used autobiographies to encourage his students to cultivate a positive attitude toward expressing their feelings and learned how to deal with obstacles. In addition, the teacher conducted several group discussions during the class. He encouraged students to analyze what these writers were thinking and acting while they encountered major difficulties. However, the teacher encountered some obstacles during class discussions. With in-depth analysis, the study found the reasons of the difficulties were due to two reasons: the students’ lack of background information of the discussion theme, and lack of motivation for further exploration. During the interviews with the students, the students said that they felt that the teacher seemed to have standard answers to the questions he probed, and therefore these students were worried that they could not come up with the ‘correct’ answers as the teacher expected. Finally, the implications are provided for college teachers and universities regarding to the design of instructional and teaching strategies to enhance the quality of Freshmen Chinese courses.


彭森明 (2010)。大學校院如何推展學生學習成果評量。評鑑雙月刊,24,28-34。
許芷維(2008)。第二屆歐洲品質保證論壇 探討品質保證策略與實務。評鑑雙月刊第,12,60-61。
