  • 學位論文


Hakka micro commercial film and youth/teenager interpretation of identity—The case study of "full life time" series of micro films

指導教授 : 王俐容


在族群文化傳承延續的脈絡下,希求其能永續發展,故而族群文化政策操作上,注意到「世代」的重要性,特別是青/少年世代,在社會中如何去選擇與認同。其中,深具傳承客家語言文化使命的客家電視台,便透過「微電影」方式,希冀建構、傳遞給閱聽眾,不同的客家想像,同時抓住青/少年世代的目光。 在上述脈絡下,引發筆者思考的是,這樣「微電影」的類型特色,在建構客家族群認同、文化符碼時,是如何操作?並且,其中透過所謂「劇情式」的故事設計、情感敘事的符碼建構,什麼樣的圖像?更重要的是,該微電影廣告,與青/少年之族群認同關係為何?其是如何去詮釋這樣的客家圖像?如何去認同、理解這些符碼? 筆者採取文本分析,探悉2013年客家電視台製播《裝滿的生活時光》系列微電影,共計四篇。同時,透過深度訪談,該微電影行銷製作端,為求對於文本製碼過程,更深刻的了解其目的動機。此外,透過焦點團體與深度訪談,共計25位青/少年受訪者,以了解其認同解讀與認知感受。 研究結果發現,發現該微電影文本符號,具有企圖鬆動客家之僵化意義的可能,從局限與特定的客家想像,轉而進行「客家」意義、意涵的擴張。此外,另一方面「生活化」的記憶圖像,作為引起新興世代情感共鳴,與召喚青/少年世代集體記憶的要素。


In the context of the continuation of ethnic cultural heritage, the wish of its sustainable development, therefore, the operation on the ethnic cultural policies, noted the importance of the "generation", particularly youth/teenager generation, how to choose and identify in society. Which, with a deep heritage of Hakka language and culture mission Hakka TV, then through the "micro-film" approach, hoping construction, passed to the audience, different Hakka image while catching the youth / teenager generations eyes. In the above context, triggering the author thought that such "micro-film" type feature how to construct the Hakka ethnic identity or what cultural codes is ? particularly, what kind of images was created by the story of design through that so-called "story-style", emotional narrative construction of the codes. The most importantly, what relation is between the micro-film advertising and youth/teenager generation ethnic identity? How to interpret this Hakka image? how to identify and interpret these codes ? On the personal level, take textual analysis to ascertain 2013 Hakka TV production and broadcast "live full time" series of micro films, a total of four. At the same time, through in-depth interviews, the micro-film marketing production , for the sake of the text prepared for the encoding process, and make a deeper understanding of the purpose or motivation. In addition, through focus groups and in-depth interviews, a total of 25 youth/teenager respondents to understand their feelings of identity Interpretation and Cognition. Study found that the micro-film text symbols, have attempted to loosen rigid sense of Hakka possibly, from the limitations of Hakka image shift to expand "Hakka" meaning. On the other hand, "Life" memory images, as new generations of causing emotional resonance, elements and call the youth/teenager generations of collective memory.


