  • 學位論文


The Co-opetition of Dramatic and Poetic-the Study on the Dramatic Value of “Romance of the West Chamber”

指導教授 : 孫玫


《王西廂》以作詩之法作劇──如詩精選意象,精選事件;如詩精組意象構成意境,精組事件構成充滿戲劇性的情節,全劇具有詩般的質地。本文分四點來闡釋。 一、精心組織情節結構:《王西廂》以折為單位,運用「縮減」、「整併」、「改寫」、「增寫」等手法,精心重組《董西廂》事件,使各折產生各自的戲劇效果。二、展現人物戀愛歷程:在情節內容的處理上,著重人物戀愛歷程、心理的展現,而非奇聞異事的敘述宣揚。三、善於營造情境氛圍:慣於全劇劇首及各折開場營造情境氛圍,使觀眾容易進入戲劇情境之中,與人物一同悲喜。四、戲劇性的敘事與抒情:《王西廂》戲劇性豐富多元,情節上除了構成戲劇最基本的衝突性之外,還具有趣味性、懸疑性。此外各折內的各套曲文結構,也因戲劇性的情節產生了對比性、互動性、抒情性等不同的結構風格。


《王西廂》 戲曲編劇 戲劇性 情節


“Romance of the West Chamber” is a play written as composing a poem. While poets carefully select the images of their poems, the playwright of “Romance of the West Chamber” cautiously picked the events of this play. Moreover, as poets meticulously organize images to form the imagery of their poems, the playwright of this play also arranged the events with prudence in order to develop dramatic plots. The composition of this play is very similar to that of a poem and the study illuminates this concept from four aspects. First, the plot structure of “Romance of the West Chamber” was carefully formed. The play was written based on fold structure, utilizing methods including compression, consolidation, rewriting and addition to meticulously retell the event of “Master Tung’s Western Chamber Romance” so that each fold can have its dramatic effect. Second, the play focuses on the characters’ romantic relationships. To be more specific, the plots emphasize on the unfolding of the characters’ romantic relationships and their feelings rather than the narration of anecdotes and events. Third, the atmosphere of situations in the play was well created. The atmosphere of the play’s exposition as well as each fold’s opening was skillfully established; therefore, the plots are much more compelling and the audience can easily empathize with the characters. The forth aspect is the theatricality of the narration and the way emotions were expressed in the play. “Romance of the West Chamber” is very theatrical. The plots contain not only conflicts, the most basic element of a play, but also interesting and suspense elements. What is more, due to the theatrical plots, the song-set structure of each fold developed different styles, such as contrasting, interactive, lyrical, etc.


