  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 楊自平


焦循(1763-1820),字理堂,後改字里堂,晚號理堂老人,治學博通群經、學識淵博,為乾嘉時期揚州地區重要學者之一。焦循於《春秋》學的相關資料流傳至今者十分稀少,僅存三本:手批《春秋左傳註疏》與手批《春秋公羊傳註疏》為焦循研讀《十三經註疏》之筆記,內容多為鈔記前人之說而少有案語;而《春秋左傳補疏》為唯一一本具體成書且刊刻出版的作品,論述較有系統性與思想性。目前學界對於焦循如《孟》學、《易》學、《論語》學等的研究成果十分豐碩,然對其《春秋》學的研究卻不多見,大部分集中在《春秋左傳補疏》一書,且對該書的評價普遍貶多於褒。然,考察今人對焦循《左傳》學的相關論述,本文認為,現今的研究成果中有許多論點未必公允,或有可再商榷或保留的空間。 焦循《春秋左傳補疏》一書共一百二十八條,主要是針對杜預《春秋經傳集解》一書而發,內容大致可分為兩個部分:第一為針對杜注之地理、名物、文辭等訓詁考證進行補充申述與訂正考誤,與乾嘉時期所盛行之考據學風並行不悖,重在明訓詁以求經典之真,最終目的在探求原始的孔孟之道;第二為以杜預生平為考察基礎,乃透過「知人論世」與「以意逆志」的方法,著力於揭發杜預作《集解》實含有為自己、為司馬氏政權所「諱飾」的隱衷,焦循並以其心中所認定的儒家君臣觀為標準,大力的批判與否定《左傳》和《春秋經傳集解》的義理思想。故《春秋左傳補疏》一書充分的展現了焦循對儒家人倫之道的堅持,使其《左傳》學中呈現出濃厚的捍衛儒家君臣大義的使命感。雖然焦循極力批評《左傳》義理思想,但是並不因此而全面否定《左傳》的價值,仍給予《左傳》的敘事極高的評價與讚譽之辭,可見焦循通達而不局礙的治學理念。 本文透過重新分析焦循《春秋左傳補疏》一書,輔以其《孟子正義》、《論語通釋》與《雕菰集》等書,試圖建立焦循《左傳》學的全般樣貌,期能填補現今對焦循《春秋》學中的研究空白,還以《春秋左傳補疏》一書更公允的評價。


焦循 杜預 君臣觀 諱飾 知人論世


Jiao Xun is one of important scholars in the middle Chin dynasty who had tremendous knowledge. However, modern researchers pay few attention on the research of Jiao Xun in Chuen Chiou. And most of them criticize as well as deny the point of view by Jiao Xun. Nevertheless, these kinds of commens may not appropriate and there may be still some discussions. The key ponit in this book Chuen Chiou Zuo Zhuan Bu Shu which was writen by Jiao Xun puts the eye on criticizing Du Yu’s Chuen Chiou Jing Chuan Chi Chien . The book of Jiao Xun is mainly separated into two parts. According to Du Yu, the first one is to resupply evidences or to modify statements of geography, relics, phraseology and so on. Therefore, the final goal is to explore the ture meaning of Confucius and Mencius. Secondly, by the method of zhi ren lun shi and yi yi ni zhi to the analysis of Du Yu’s life, Jiao Xun discovered that Du Yu had unusual thought. That Du Yu attempted to cover up the some controversal actions between himself and government at the time. Hence, in Jiao Xun’s ponit of view, both the author of Zuo Zhuan and Du Yu were disobey the morality between monarch and courtier. That is the reason why Jiao Xun worte this book to stand up for the value of Confuciansts. Although Jiao Xun disagreed some theoy with the author of Zuo Zhuan , he did not wholy deny there opinions. Complments and admirations to the narrate of Zuo Zhuan were also Jiao Xun’s opinion. This study reorganizes and analyzes the book of Chuen Chiou Zuo Zhuan Bu Shu , and also consults Mencius Zheng Yi , Lun Yu Tong Shi and Diao Gu Ji etcetera written by Jiao Xun. Accordingly, theory of Jiao Xun’s Zuo Zhuan will be established, and refill the defects of the research of Jiao Xun nowadays. Last but not the least, more impartial estimations will be appraised for Chuen Chiou Zuo Zhuan Bu Shu .


岑溢成:〈焦循《孟子》學初探〉,《鵝湖學誌》第43期,2009年,頁 121-144。
岑溢成:〈焦循性善論的探討〉,《鵝湖學誌》第35期,2005年,頁 35-57。

