  • 學位論文


Simulating and analyzing the LED and LED/ sunlight hybrid illumination used in indoor lighting

指導教授 : 孫文信


本論文之內容主要分為兩大部分。第一部份之內容為使用白光LED在辦公室之照明,首先分別建立LED光源與日光燈光源,並模擬兩者燈源於辦公室照明的情形,之後推算在標準照度下兩者光源之照度分佈及消耗功率,最後發現使用發光效率與日光燈相當的白光LED未必可以比較省電,但使用高效率白光LED確實是可以比日光燈原來的省電。 第二部分內容為高效率白光LED與太陽光混光照明在辦公室之應用,首先模擬太陽集光器收集準直太陽光,並在太陽集光器後方架設一個光學開關與分光系統,當辦公室在下班時間時,此光學開關為關閉,並引導全波段太陽光至太陽能電池轉換成電能,可供給LED發光;當上班時間時,光學開關為開啟,所收集之太陽光先經過一個分光鏡後,可分成可見光與不可見光波段,其中可見光波段由分光鏡反射後經由導光管進入一光箱內與光箱內白光LED光源均勻混合提供辦公室之室內照明;而不可見光波段經由分光鏡穿透,並由太陽能電池吸收,轉換成電能可再供給LED發光。在光箱內壁塗上一層高反射率硫酸鋇可均勻反射光源,並在光箱內四周架設140顆白光LED,與光箱內四個角落各放置一顆感測器,依四個感測器的平均照度可決定開啟白光LED的顆數,並在光箱內下方放置一擴散板,可降低眩光,提供一均勻且節能的室內照明環境。


LED 照明 太陽能 太陽照明


There are two parts of description in this study. First, we simulate the illuminance and efficiency of LED and fluorescent light sources for interior illumination. According to the standard illuminance of table plane, we can estimate the amount of each light source. And then, the calculation results of the examination of simulations and real situations can be compared with each other, and we can find out its power consumption and benefit of high efficiency LEDs lighting. Then in the second part, hybrid sunlight and LED illumination with renewable solar energy saving concept in indoor lighting is simulated and presented in the third part of this study. We can illuminate the indoor space and collect the solar energy by an optical switching system. When the system is turn off, the full spectrum of the sunlight is concentrated by a concentrator, and absorbed by solar photovoltaic devices that provide the electricity power for LEDs; when the system is turn on, the sunlight is collected by a concentrator and split into visible and non-visible rays by a beam splitter. The visible rays pass through the light guide into a light box and mixed with LED light uniformly in it, and finally provide more uniform illumination by a diffuser; the non-visible rays are supposed to be absorbed by solar photovoltaic devices and also provide the electricity power for LEDs. Simulating results show that the efficiency of the hybrid sunlight/LED illumination with renewable solar energy saving design can save some power consumption from lighting.


LED solar energy lighting sunlight illumination


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