  • 學位論文


Application of Building Information Model Technology on the Fire Investigation Process

指導教授 : 周建成


在現代科技日新月異的環境下,資訊系統的軟硬體及架構概念迅速發展衍生,不斷地朝著輕便、多工效能及資訊分享的方向研發,因此許多的作業流程及文書檔案均已轉換成為資訊化的作業,目的在於提升作業效率、減少錯誤機會及容易分類檢索等,且現今智慧型手機及平板電腦等可攜式資訊設備的效能顯著提升,加上無線網路技術逐漸普及,因此資訊化的門檻大幅降低,無論在建置成本及技術層面對於使用者均更加友善。 本研究及針對消防領域中的火災原因調查及火災現場指揮的資訊化進行探討及分析,此二項作業目前在消防單位的實際執行上,多停留在書面紀錄或部分資訊化的階段,故將其中的重點內容表格化,與現有建築套裝軟體組合成資訊系統的架構,本篇研究重點著重火災原因調查的資訊化,將傳統的火災原因調查紀錄及資料轉化為資訊化的表格,並與建築資訊化模型(Building Information Modeling ,BIM)結合成為新的火災原因調查記錄分析系統,再加上可攜式資訊設備的配合,利用BIM所提供的3維(3 Dimensions ,3D)建築資訊內容,即可利用可攜式資訊設備,如:平板電腦、智慧型手機等,在現場迅速完成拍照、定位及燒損程度紀錄等工作,並即時以無線網路將蒐集的資訊依火災現場內各空間編號進行分類及上傳至資料庫,火災調查人員即能在實驗室登入資料庫,進行資料比對及火災現場的重建,以分析研判起火處、起火物品及起火原因等重要結論,火災原因調查記錄分析系統除可提升作業效率外,亦能方便後續的火災原因資料庫的建立及分類。


The incident command system (ICS) and fire investigation system are the two main issues of modern fire investigation science. Every local fire bureau in Taiwan is trying to construct the standard operation procedure (SOP) for the two systems. As a result, this paper attempted to connect the systems with use of Building Information Model (BIM) technology by analyzing every procedure of the current operating mode, and by creating a new method to apply to the two different systems. In a fire scene, the fire commanding officers must acquire plenty of intelligence from ICS to establish the appropriate strategies, like “building data”, ”chemical material data”, etc. The process of inquiring must be efficiency and simple, to assist command officers in deploying all the firemen and fire engines precisely. Currently, the ICS in Taiwan is grouped by many independent subsystems, so we attempted to build a model which could connect all the intelligence to a centralized database of BIM. BIM can be thought as a database to contain documents, 3D images, and 2D drawings. The visualized database could rapidly provide the command offices with useful information. Furthermore, we also tried to apply BIM to fire scene reconstruction research for fire investigation. Nowadays, fire dynamics simulator (FDS) is widely utilized to reconstruct the fire scene by the most fire investigation units in the world. It simulates the fire scenario by using computation fluid dynamic (CFD) and could visualize the development of fire and smoke into continuous images. In the paper, we transformed the information acquired from the actual fire investigation report into the computerized model, and linked up the model with BIM to reconstruct the actual fire scene. The simulation may help fire investigation units reconstruct the scenario and verify the cause of fire.


BIM Incident Command System (ICS) FDS


林淑滿(2006).營建新主張-Autodesk Revit建築資訊模型(BIM)設計.大塚資訊科技股份有限公司.
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) (2012). FDS User Guide.


Lin, C. Y. (2014). 以模型驅動架構擴展營運維護階段之建築資訊模型 [doctoral dissertation, National Central University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0031-0412201512030413
