  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 吳育仁


人事行政局在2010年8月發佈一行政院運用勞動派遣應行注意事項,要求包括行政院及所屬各機關(構)、公立學校及國營事業之各機關,在勞動派遣相關規定完成立法前之過渡時期,依政府採購法規定辦理勞務採購時,合理運用勞動派遣,並保障派遣勞工之權益。由於行政機關在行使公權力本身即是代表國家,即便公立學校或國營事業中某些事業或職務之進行並未涉及公權力行使,然而從政府機關對公立學校或國營事業之事務、人事高度控制力這一點來看,政府對於各機關、公立學校、國營事業等之勞動關係上具有特殊的角色與地位,因而本文認為對於政府機關使用派遣勞動力之現象有瞭解及探討之必要。 本文希望藉由次級資料分析,對於有相當高的比率使用派遣員工之公營事業單位,使用派遣勞動力之狀況,並針對其使用情況進行檢討。本研究發現,因行政院轄下機關、公營事業單位之業務職務擴及各種領域,對於使用派遣勞動力之使用與管理,並無一致性的政策與處理原則。各式業體在人才運用、選才上有不同的考量與需求,包括各種非典型勞動力之選擇,與派遣勞工之聘任、管理、訓練方式、福利等有不同之規劃與設計。但普遍來說,派遣員工之福利比正職員工低,甚至會因為所往來之派遣公司之不同,而使某些派遣員工無法享有勞動基準法上之權利。


During August in 2010, a regulation was issued by Central Personnel Administration (CPA). The Executive Yuan and Subordinated Agencies, public schools, and State-Owned Enterprise were requested, as procuring the labor services pursuant to the Government Procurement Act, to make reasonable use of dispatched workers, and maintain their rights and privileges before the Congress approves relating Acts. Owning to the administrative organizations, public schools, and State-Owned Enterprise are on behalf of the Country Government when they performance some specific authorities, so it is necessary to discuss and realize the usage of dispatched workers in labor services. The purpose of this study is to understand and review the present circumstances in usage of dispatched workers by public enterprises, which have high rate of hiring dispatched workers; and attempting to provide advices to government in legislation. The important finding is that due to the affairs are extending to most fields so that there are no consistencies in usage and management of dispatched workers. Each enterprise has its concern and requirement in usage and selection of human resource, including the selection of each un-typical labor, and the plan in hire, management, training and benefits of dispatched workers. Generally speaking, however, the dispatched workers’ benefits are inferior to regular employees; even there are some dispatched workers can not obtain the rights and privileges pursuant to the Labor Standards Act because of employing by different dispatched agency.


