  • 學位論文


A research of domestic violence abusers’ subjective world after home visit service- case studies of high risk domestic violence abusers in Chiayi City.

指導教授 : 林明傑


家庭暴力事件的高通報率與高再犯率,一直是防治工作推展十餘年來的困境,我們不能再無視於再犯預防工作困境的存在,並應試圖在現有的政策與法律規範之下,尋求一個突破困境的配套措施,以取代現有公權力對於家庭暴力相對人的各種約制與規範。而實施加害人關心訪視工作的構想正是一種結合矯正諮商與運用輔助評估工具的一種處預配套措施,也是一種處遇工作的延伸,其目的是為家庭暴力防治政策達成一種雙向預防的作用。而本研究之目的乃在於藉由加害人關心訪視工作的實施,來探究加害人在接受關心訪視前與訪視後對於主觀想法與暴力經驗的一個呈現。研究者以嘉義市政府家庭暴力高危機相對人評估會議五位轉介實施關心訪視之相對人個案為研究受訪對象,採質性研究並以現象學(phenomenology)方法論取向為參考基礎,對於接受關心訪視之加害人進行「主觀想法」的深度探索。 在秉持存而不論與探究事物本質並還原真相的基本立場下,進行資料的分析與整裡後歸納出:一、相對人家庭暴力的經驗與歷程,二、家庭暴力防治政策的落差性與公權力負面觀感,三、相對人接受關心訪視所產生的改變,四、未來的期待等四個核心主題。研究中發現五位受訪者在暴力行為與想法上,於接受關心訪視後均有所改變,且五位受訪者也一致認為關心訪視措施在未來確有實施之必要性。同時,這五位受訪者也一致表示未來有較高的把握不會再犯。另在本研究中經運用URICA-DV量表作為輔助評估工具,並將質性資料與評估結果進行比較後也發現該輔助評估工具適用性的存在。最後,針對研究結果的發現提出:一、婚姻諮商工作的推展、二、家庭暴力規範應與子女管教有所區隔、三、傳統家庭觀念的折衷、四、對政策與法令應有反思、五、垂直整合服務網絡應積極推展關心訪視方案、六、倡導多元文化諮商理念與本土的取向等六項建議。由於國內外家庭暴力加害人關心訪視工作相關研究的文獻並不多見,而能夠提供本研究參考之文獻也非常缺乏,冀望藉由研究的發現,未來能夠對於家庭暴力防治工作在學術研究與實務工作領域上提供一些具有意義的參考與建議,期使家庭暴力防治的研究工作能夠庚續不斷地挹注新血。


High report and relapse rate shows the challenges of domestic violence prevention work in years. We cannot overlook this situation, and have to find a strategy to overcome the difficulty under current policy and regulation to replace various restricts from public coerce on domestic violence abusers. Home visit service to domestic violence abusers is a treatment which combines corrective counseling and assessment tool. This service is also an extension of victim treatment. By doing this, we can protect DV victims by decreasing DV relapse rate. So it is a two way DV prevention work.The goal of this research is to study the difference of DV abusers when talking about their subjective world and DV experience before and after home visit service. The 5 cases of this research are from high DV risk evaluation meeting of Chaiyi city government. I applied home visit service and in depth interviewed to study their subjective world by the base of phenomenology. After data analysis, there are 4 core topics 1. Experience and process of DV Abusers. 2. The gap among DV policies, social environment and cultural background. Also the negative image from public coerce. 3. Changes of DV abusers after home visit service. 4. Future suggestions. The result of this research shows: there are changes in interviewees after home visit service. All of them agreed the necessity of home visit in the future. Meanwhile, they had higher confidence in lower relapse rate. URICA-DV scales were used as an aided assessment tool in this study. After comparison to interview data, this study finds suitability of URICA-DV scales. Finally, there are 6 future suggestions: 1.The need to promotion marriage counseling, 2. A clearer line between DV regulation and children discipline, 3. Compromising of traditional family ideas, 4. Reflections of policy and regulations, 5. Actively promote home visit project in vertical service network integration, 6.The need of multi-cultural counseling with local approaches. There are very few studies about home visit service to DV abusers. I hope the findings of this research can provide some meaningful suggestions in academic field, practical world, and future studies.


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