  • 學位論文

Evidence of cost-stickiness from an emerging economy

Evidence of cost-stickiness from an emerging economy

指導教授 : 歐進士


本論文主要分成兩大部分。第一部份探討經理人持股、董事持股以及董事兼任高階主管對成本僵固性之影響。第二部分則探討營運槓桿、成本領先策略與產業競爭趨勢對成本僵固性之影響。 就第一部份而言,過去文獻指出經理人持股越多抑或董事持股越多,代理問題會越輕,董事會的監督功能會越顯效率。因此,經理人持股與董事持股越多,成本僵固的程度會越低。反之,董事兼任高階主管會影響董事會對經理人之監督,故經理人較有可能從事自利行為而導致成本僵固性較嚴重。實證結果如下: 1.經理人持股比率越高,成本僵固性越低。但董事持股比率與成本僵固性之間則無顯著關連存在。 2.董事兼任高階經理人的比率越高,成本僵固的現象越嚴重。 3.提高經理人持股可降低成本僵固性,但董事質押比率越高之樣本,其經理人對成本僵固性之影響會越小。 4.此一部分之實證結果並不受電子業與非電子業之影響而有顯著差異。 第二部分探討營運槓桿、成本領先策略與產業競爭趨勢對成本僵固性之影響。營運槓桿越高的公司,在營收下滑的時候,其利潤會大幅降低,經理人面臨較大的壓力,因此會積極地調整資源,以致成本僵固性較不嚴重。其次,追求成本領導之廠商,因平時積極控管成本與投資,故在銷售量下降時,其未利用資源較少,較難調整資源,故成本僵固性較高。最後,假說主張越來越競爭的產業,會使得該產業中的企業面臨較大的生存壓力,因此銷售量減少時,會較積極處分未利用資源,以致成本僵固性較低。反之,若對越來越不競爭之產業而言,企業無須面臨嚴苛的生存壓力,因此銷售量減少時,不會積極處分未利用資源,故成本僵固性較高。實證結果如下: 1.就電子業而言,營運槓桿越高的公司,其成本僵固性越低,但非電子業無此現象。 2.就非電子業而言,越追求成本領先的公司,其成本僵固性越高。但對電子業而言,此假說未得到支持。 3.在越來越不競爭的產業中,成本僵固性相對較高。但在越來越競爭的產業中,成本僵固的現象並不顯著較低。 4.基本上,假說得到部分實證樣本的支持。惟電子業與非電子業所得到的結論並非一致。


Prior research has recognized the role of managers in adjusting committed resources. Due to the separation of ownership and control, the manager’s behavior may not coincide with shareholder’s benefits. Therefore, the manager’s attitude in adjusting committed resources may be influenced by agency problem. Although both of managerial ownership and board ownership are supposed to moderate the agency problem; and top management duality is supposed to worsen the agency problem. The empirical results show only the managerial ownership has the significant moderating effect on the degree of cost stickiness. And top management duality will directly deteriorate the extent of cost stickiness. In addition, this dissertation also discusses the influences of cost structure and industry feature on the extent of cost stickiness. The results basically show higher operating leverage ratio will moderate the extent of cost stickiness for the electronics relevant industry. And the extent of cost stickiness will be greater for the firms which pursuing cost leadership for non-electronics relevant industries. Finally, the results claim that the trend of market competition may influence manager’s behavior. The evidences indicate the extent of cost stickiness will be greater for the firms in the industry which is getting less competitive.


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