  • 學位論文


Gender Differences in the Moderating Effect of Family Life Cycle on the Relationship between Work Values and Career Orientations

指導教授 : 林淑慧


隨著台灣時代變遷、環境和教育程度的提升,女性進入勞動市場的比率逐年增加,從男女勞動參與率的表現上,不難發現女性容易在進入婚育階段後,因為家庭照顧和工作的兩難而離開職場。顯見傳統性別壓力下所呈現的「照顧倫理」仍舊是女性就業的羈絆。從過去的研究中指出個人的職涯發展與工作價值觀和生涯導向有著密切的關係,故本研究目的在於探討「工作價值觀」對「生涯導向」是否有影響,並且探究男女在「工作價值觀」和「生涯導向」上的差異和「家庭生命週期」對「工作價值觀」和「生涯導向」干擾之性別差異。研究採立意抽樣方式進行,總共回收462份有效問卷。經由研究分析後得出下列結果: 1.「工作價值觀」構面對「生涯導向」構面有部分正向影響。 2.男性的「工作價值觀」大部分會影響「生涯導向」中的「自主性」、「管理能力」、「技術能力」、「創造力和企業家精神」、「服務導向」、「挑戰性」和「生涯型態整合」等構面。 3.女性的「工作價值觀」大部分會影響「生涯導向」中的「安全-不需轉換工作」、「安全-不需轉換工作地」、「自主性」、「管理能力」、「技術能力」、「創造力和企業家精神」、「服務導向」、「挑戰性」和「生涯型態整合」等構面。 4.男性之「家庭生命週期」對「利他獎酬」與「管理能力」有顯著干擾效果。 5.男性之「家庭生命週期」對「社會獎酬」與「技術能力」有顯著干擾效果。 6.女性之「家庭生命週期」對「外在獎酬」與「安全-不需轉換工作地」有顯著干擾效果。 7.女性之「家庭生命週期」對「影響力」與「安全-不需轉換工作」和「安全-不需轉換工作地」有顯著干擾效果。 8.女性之「家庭生命週期」對「內在獎酬」與「安全-不需轉換工作」和「安全-不需轉換工作地」有顯著干擾效果。 9.女性之「家庭生命週期」對「利他獎酬」與「安全-不需轉換工作地」有顯著干擾效果。 10.女性之「家庭生命週期」對「社會獎酬」與「安全-不需轉換工作」、「安全-不需轉換工作地」和「技術能力」有顯著干擾效果。 11.女性之「家庭生命週期」對「休閒」與「安全-不需轉換工作地」有顯著干擾效果。


With the development of Taiwan's economic, environments and education have been improving and promoting. More and more women join the labor markets. But to observe the long performance of male and female labor force participation rate, it is not difficult to find that women leave the labor force easily when they get married or give birth to a child. Although women have made more and more important advances in labor markets, women always have more responsibilities with family care than men. Therefore, traditional gender gap will become obvious fetters when women want to stay in the employment market. Person's career planning has a close relationship with his/her own work values and career orientation. Based on the above reasons, purpose of this study is to explore gender differences in investigates the moderating roles of family life cycle on the relationship between work values and career orientations. The sample of the study includes 462 valid questionnaires which were responded in total. The results are listed as follow: 1.Work value aspects have partially positive effects on career orientation aspects. 2.Male’s work values have mostly positive effects on that autonomy, Managerial competence, technical competence, creativity and entrepreneurship, sense of service, pure challenge and life-style integration are in the career orientations. 3.Female’s work values have mostly positive effects on that security, autonomy, Managerial competence, technical competence, creativity and entrepreneurship, sense of service, pure challenge and life-style integration are in the career orientations. 4.Male’s family life cycle has moderating effect between altruistic rewards and Managerial competence. 5.Male’s family life cycle has moderating effect between social rewards and technical competence. 6.Female’s family life cycle has moderating effect between extrinsic rewards and security-geographic. 7.Female’s family life cycle has moderating effect between influence and security-job tenure, security-geographic. 8.Female’s family life cycle has moderating effect between intrinsic rewards and security-job tenure, security-geographic. 9.Female’s family life cycle has moderating effect between altruistic rewards and security-geographic. 10.Female’s family life cycle has moderating effect between social rewards and security-job tenure, security-geographic, technical competence. 11.Female’s family life cycle has moderating effect between leisure and security-geographic.




赫弋凡(2016)。家庭生命週期與工作家庭衝突關係之研究 ─ 以工作家庭文化為調節變項〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201614054608
