  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 張菀珍


本研究以休閒農業經營者為對象,討探休閒農業經營者對農場及農村永續發展的 理念為何,與如何將永續發展的理念於農場與農村中實踐的做法,並根據研究結論提出 永續發展的建議,以提供農場經營者、農業生產者、農村居民及政府機關等單位的參考。 根據研究結果歸納出以下的結論: 一、 休閒農場遇到的困境為許可登記證之不易取得,產業群聚效應尚未形成,區域位 置偏遠及環境維護人事費用高等不利因素。 二、 休閒農場不使用化學肥料、農藥與除草劑,並設置體驗學習設施與導覽解說服務 以推動永續發展理念。 三、 農民使用慣性農法不知變通,農產易受天候與產銷等影響其價格與收入,導致休 耕、廢耕及離農的人數一直增加中。 四、 農村人口老化導致缺乏勞動力、消費力,加上社區發展協會運作不順,使得農民 生活品質下降,傳統農村生活文化日漸凋零。 五、 農民缺乏生態保育觀念而濫用化肥、農藥和除草劑,因此損害人體健康、破壞農 村生態環境與生物多樣性。 六、 農民可發展有機農業,農產品要品牌化、精緻化與客製化,再透過說故事、在地生 產與在地行銷的方式,以提高銷售的價值,收入就可以增加。 七、 休閒農場可保存農村文化文物,提供體驗學習設施與解說服務來吸引遊客,帶動地 方經濟發展及推廣永續發展理念,農村生活文化得以傳承。 八、 農民不再使用農藥、除草劑,可改善自然生態環境及護育本土物種,推動生態養殖 法可避免地層下陷,農產品也可有好價格。


This study investigated leisure farm operators’ concepts of sustainable development of farms and rural as well as how they have implemented their concepts in their farms and rural. Based on research results, this study presented suggestions to farm operators, agricultural producers, residents of rural, and the authorities concerned. The main findings were summarized as follows: 1. The main difficulties encountered by leisure farm operators include a high threshold for license application, the absence of the cluster effect of the industry, the remote location of the area, and high cost of environmental maintenance. 2. Leisure farm operators do not use chemical fertilizers, pesticide and herbicide in their leisure farms. They also provide experiential learning facilities and guidance services to promote sustainable development. 3. Most farmers are not adaptable in use of conventional agricultural methods. As the price of agricultural products fluctuates by weather and sales conditions, the number of farmers who suspend, stop or quit farming is on the increase. 4. Due to population ageing, rural suffer from low manpower and buying power. The inadequate functioning of community development associations has caused a decline in living quality of farmers and gradual vanishing of the traditional culture of rural communities. 5. Farmers abuse chemical fertilizers, pesticide or herbicide due to lack concepts of ecological preservation. Their abuse of chemical substances in farming has caused damage to human health, the natural environment, and biological diversity in rural communities. 6. Farmers can develop organic agriculture and adopt marketing strategies, such as branding, refining, customization, story-telling, and local production and sales methods, to increase the value of their products and income. 7. Leisure farms can preserve cultural heritage of rural communities and provide experiential learning facilities and guidance services to attract visitors, help economic development in rural communities, and promote sustainable development, all of which can contribute to preservation of the culture of rural communities. 8. Refraining from using chemical pesticide and herbicide can help improve the natural environment and protect local species. Implementation of ecological farming methods can help avoid land subsidence and increase the prices of agricultural products.


