  • 學位論文


A study of “OU SHE YI YUAN”

指導教授 : 江寶釵


《鷗社藝苑》研究 摘要 本文以《鷗社藝苑》為研究對象。首先,先自文獻回顧確認《鷗社藝苑》的研究價值。 由於《鷗社藝苑》是鷗社之機關刊物,是以先探討《鷗社》的結社、創刊,與文學環境,卽《鷗社藝苑》之外部研究。鷗社成立於1918年,距離台灣割日已23年,其發展時程始自日治,以迄於戰後。當時的環境,因為經歷乙未割臺的歷史巨變,部分文人仍活躍於歷史舞台,沿襲傳統,進行其文學創作,集結成社,互相切磋、觀摩,嘉義地區成立的詩社先後有二十餘社之多,為詩社的高峰期,鷗社可以說是其中之佼佼者。當白話文學浪潮來襲,引發新舊文學論爭,文壇呈現新舊爭勝的局面。鷗社的吟詠酬唱,受惠於現代傳媒之發達得以印製、集結、流傳下來,得以刊行《鷗社藝苑》,對其知識之生產背景、編輯形制等的探討,可以教吾人深觀促成文學史興微的因素。 在此之後,再談鷗社的創作主題,為內部研究,概括為三大主題:人事物的感慨、酬贈與器用,時代的詠史敘事,以及自然與人文環境的描寫。透過詩作逐一的縷析,我們可以看出詩人言其志,詠其言,或喜喪賀弔,或觀月賞菊,或回顧前朝史蹟,感慨系之,不僅可以看到詩作於日常生活中的實踐,更可以看到詩人被壓抑的民族感情,或與當局者協力的軌跡。 《鷗社藝苑》的發刊意義重大,從集刊的編輯看,動機一空政治依傍,可以說是當時台灣最具規模、最有意義的詩刊之一,係嘉義當時之首善者。最終,卻因為現實困難不得不於1953年停刊。此後,嘉義地區未能再出現任何一具同等分量之定期性集刊。


嘉義 鷗社藝苑 鷗社 古典詩


A study of “OU SHE YI YUAN” Abstract This paper is to study the journal of poems, named “OU SHE YI YUAN”. First, the literature review is to prove the research value of “OU SHE YI YUAN”. Since “OU SHE YI YUAN” was the official publication from the association “ OU SHE”, the contents of the journal were to relate to the association history, such as the association founded or the first publication, as well as to study the literary environment in the association. That is the external research of “OU SHE YI YUAN”. “OU SHE” was established at year 1918, twenty-three years after the Taiwan had been ceded to Japan by China. The association developed from the Japan colonial period in Taiwan until the time after second world war. At that time, although encountering the great shock of the Japan invasion and the cession of Taiwan, some literati and scholars were still active in the history and literature fields. They conducted the literary works by following the tradition, assembled various associations or communities to learn and observe from each other. In Chia-Yi area, there had been more than twenty poetry clubs, which was the peak time of poetry society, among those clubs,“OU SHE” was considered the best one. A wave of vernacular literature triggered the controversy and the competition between old and new literary. On the other hand, benefited from the modern media, the poems and rhymes in “OU SHE” was able to be printed, collected, preserved and handed down, which is the publication “OU SHE YI YUAN”. Studying the knowledge, background, and the forms of “OU SHE YI YUAN” help us to explore the factors to the prosperity and decline of literature history. Afterward, this paper is to discuss the themes of literature in “OU SHE”, which is the internal research, summarized as three main themes: the sentiments of human, things, and objects, the narrative of era and history , and depiction of the nature and human environment. Through the analysis of the poems, we can see the poets’ ambitions and their unique expressions of words. From the wishes and condolences, and the appreciation of the moon and flowers, or the reflections of the historical heritages, we can see the poets not only practiced their poems work in their daily life, but also we can detect poets’ oppressive feeling of the nation and the track of the negocation with the authority . The publication of “OU SHE YI YUAN” is significantly meaningful. From the aspect of the edition of the journals, “OU SHE YI YUAN” was the most well developed and the most meaningful poetry, as well as the best in Chiayi. However, at 1953 “OU SHE YI YUAN” had been ceased because of the various difficulties. After that, there were no the other regular journals as good quality as “OU SHE YI YUAN” in Chiayi.


Chiayi OU SHE YI YUAN OU SHE Classical Poetry



