  • 學位論文


Across the Horizon?A Study about the Family Cultural Capital and Academic Achievement and Life Adaptation of New Immigrant Children

指導教授 : 鄭勝耀


本研究以「跨越地平線」為標題,試圖探究位於沿海地帶,屬於地層下陷區之新住民子女,其家庭文化資本與其學業成就及生活適應之關連,故本研究先就法國知名人類學與社會學家Pierre Bourdieu「文化資本」理論之相關概念進行分析探討,並進一步以之來詮釋就讀沿海地帶國民中學階段之新住民子女,其家庭環境背景在家庭社會場域中,如何透過文化資本的傳遞,與其學業成就及生活適應之關連。研究者希冀能帶領讀者從研究中發現屬於新住民子女之「亮點」,在普羅大眾普遍視新住民為「弱勢」族群的同時,試著以多元的視角跨越因種族、語言及文化之不同所帶來之差異,最後根據研究結果提出相關建議以供學生家長、學校與教師以及政府與後續研究參考之用。 為深入瞭解並探究以達成本研究之目標,研究者於2012年11月至2013年7月間,選定位於雲林縣沿海地帶,屬於地層下陷區之某國民中學九年級學童,計8名新住民子女及其班級導師為研究參與者,採深度訪談並輔以相關文件蒐集分析,以期能進一步瞭解家庭文化資本與新住民子女在學業成就及生活適應方面之關連。本研究所獲得之研究結論如下: 一、學業成就現況:高學業成就表現者能展現自律性並克服環境限制,而低學業成就表現者較缺乏目標動力且易受外在環境干擾,雙親角色的缺位情況較母親國籍差異更值得進一步關注,兄姐角色若能適時替補家長在督促子女課業指導功能上之不足能對學童有所助益。 二、生活適應現況:多數學童自我適應良好,可惜雖認同新住民身分但未見其學習母親語言之動機及優勢,人際適應良好學童能承襲母親開朗正向之個性特質,家庭適應良好學童與母親間之互動良好且家庭氣氛較為熱絡而父親角色不彰所帶來之困擾高於母親。 三、家庭環境背景與文化資本:家庭社經地位及各項文化資本量偏低且家庭結構之雙親角色缺位與隔代教養等家庭功能無法正常化等問題較母親國籍差異更值得進一步關注。 四、文化資本與學業成就及生活適應:各項文化資本之獲得略顯不足但仍不乏有表現優異者,父母親角色在整體家庭功能上之缺位所衍生的困擾高於母親國籍,兄姐角色若能適時替補,其在家長角色缺位時所帶來的助益不容小覷。 最後針對以上結論,提出以下建議: 一、增進課後輔導協助以彌補家長在指導課業功能上之不足。 二、積極推動新住民女性母國語言以增加其子女語言學習動機與優勢 三、針對不同新住民家庭落實個別化之輔導以促進家庭功能正常化。 四、結合社區落實親職教育以促進新住民家長重視文化資本之培育並能提高對子女的教育參與。


The research takes “Across the Horizon” as the title and tries to explore family cultural capital, academic achivement and life adaptation of new immigrant children who live at the subsidence areas of the coast areas.This research has the analysis with the related concept of cultural capital from Pierre Bourdieu who are the anthropologist and sociologist of the France.It will tell us the relationship between the family environment of junior high school students who are in social space of the coastal areas through cultural capital,academic achivement and life adaptation.The researcher hopes to lead readers to find the bright side of the new immigrant children.As everyone take them as the disadvantaged group, the researcher tries to cross the difference between races, languages and different cultures.In the end,the researcher will give advice by the research for parents,teachers,school administrations, goverments and the further researches. To have deeper understanding to reach the goal,from November 2012 to July 2013,the researcher chose the nineth grade students at the coastal areas and the subsidence areas in Yunlin.The participants are eight students and their homeroom teachers.It is going to take the deep interview and also analyze the related documents.The research hopes to understand the relationship between family cultural capital,academic achivement and life adaptation of new immigrant children. The main findings of this research are as following: 1.Academical achivement: The high study achivement students can show self-displine and overcome the enviromental limit.The low study acivement students are lack of motivation and easy to disturbed by the environment.The lack of the role of parents is more worth to care than the diffrence of mothers’nations. If brothers and sisters can replace parents roles in right moment are helpful to the students to supervise the study at home. 2.The life adaption: Most students are have good self-adaptation. Although they can identify themselves,they don't acquire the motivation and advantage of mother language. The students who are well interpersonal adaptation could have mothers’positive and cheerful personality,the well family adaptation students who are good at interaction with Mothers and whose family atmosphere is close.The unobvious Father role is more perplex than Mother’s. 3.The family environment property and cultural capital: The family socioeconomic background and cultural capital in three forms are low. The problems of abnormal family function of the parents role lack and grandparenting are more worth to care. 4.Culture capital,academical achievement and life adaptation : Though cultural capital is low,there are some outstanding students.The lack of the family function of parents roles is more perplex than Mothers’ nationality. If brother’s and sister’s roles can alternate and play their function at the right moment,it will be more helpful than parents’ roles. Finally,based on findings above,the investigator has some suggestion: 1.Give them the study help after class to replenish the lack of parents’home teaching. 2.Popularize the new immigrants’mother tongue to increase the study motivation and advantage of their kids. 3.Assist and guide the new immigrant family one by one and make the family function normal. 4.Cooperate with the community and enforce parenting education to enhance parents to care new immigrant children’s cultural capital development and education participation.




雷芳昇(2016)。少年「法克」的煩惱─ 國中校園「髒話」文化之個案研究〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201614065503
