  • 學位論文


The Study of Elementary School Substitute Teachers' Professional Competence

指導教授 : 詹盛如


本研究主要探討嘉義縣市公立國小代理教師專業能力之現況,分析不不同背景變項對嘉義縣國小代理教師專業能力之差異情形。本研究首先透文獻分析與歸納小學教師所應具備之專業能力:教學能力、班級經營能力、行政能力以及專業態度等四個層面,並採用問卷調查法,以101學年度各公立國小代理教師及行政人員(校長、教務主任/教導主任、學務主任、教學組長/教務組長)為研究對象,以平均數、標準差之描述性統計與獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Scheffe’method或Games-Howell事後比較等統計方法進行資料分析處理,獲得以下結論: 一、國小代理教師自我知覺專業能力現況屬於中上程度;行政人員知覺國小代理教師專業能力現況屬於高程度,且兩者評分四個層面中皆以專業態度得分最高。 二、行政人員之他評高於代理教師自評之得分,顯示國小代理教師專業能力獲得學校行政人員肯定。 三、不同背景變項之嘉義縣市公立國小代理教師專業能力差異情形: (一)整體專業能力:國小代理教師會因不同任教年資及擔任不同職務具有顯著差異,任教11年以上的教師皆大於1-5年及6-10年的教師,特教教師高於教師兼任行政人員。 (二)各層面:國小代理教師在教學能力上會因不同任任教年資具有顯著差異,任教11年以上的教師大於1-5的教師;在專業態度上會因不同性別及擔任不同職務具有顯著差異,女性教師大於男性教師,特教教師高於教師兼任行政人員;在班級經營能力及行政能力兩層面上,各背景變項皆無顯著差異。 四、嘉義縣市國小代理教師專業能力不會因不同背景變項之行政人員有顯著差異。 五、國小代理教師與行政人員知覺代理教師專業能力在行政能力層面具有顯著差異。 最後,依據上述結論提出建議,以供教育主管單位、學校、代理教師及未來研究之參考。


This research focuses on the professional competence of the municipal elementary school substitute teachers in Chiayi County and City, which examines how different variables impact teachers’ professions. In this study, firstly through literature analysis to summarize 4 dimensions of capabilities: Teaching, Class Management, Administration and Professional Attitude. Then, conduct surveys with substitute teachers and administrative staffs in school year 101 (principal, dean, director of student affairs, faculty leaders) and perform statistical analysis, including descriptive statistics (Mean and Standard Deviation) and inferential statistics (Independent sampling T test, One-way ANOVA, Scheffe’ method and Games-Howell). The conclusions are: 1.Substitute teachers view their professions as above average. However, Administrative staffs evaluate teachers’ professions as significantly above average. Meanwhile, professional attitude gets the highest score in both assessments. 2.Evaluation result from administrative staffs is higher than teacher’s self-assessment. It shows that substitute teacher’s professions are endorsed by the administrative staffs. 3.The key differences of professional competence between these substitute teachers are: 1)Overall: Seniority and position have significant impacts on overall capability. Teacher with more than 11 years’ experience will be scored higher than those with 1-5 years and 6-10 years. And special education teachers are scored higher than the teachers who also serve as administrative staffs. 2)Seniority also significantly impacts teaching capability. Teacher with more than 11 years’ experience is scored higher than those with 1-5 years; Gender and Position have significant impacts on professional attitude. Female is scored higher than male and special educational teacher is scored higher than the teachers who also serve as administrative staffs. All variables do not have impacts on class management and administration capabilities. 4.The evaluation result is not impacted by the different administrative staffs. 5.Assessment of administrative capability is significantly different between the evaluation from the teachers and the administrative staffs. Accordingly, the study also provides suggestions derived from the above conclusions to be served as reference for education authorities, schools, substitute teachers, and future research.




