  • 學位論文


Chuan-hsin Huang's Biography and His Study on Zhu-Zhi poem

指導教授 : 江寶釵 李知灝


黃傳心(1895–1979),本名法,以字行,號劍堂,筆名雍銘,出生於東石。從小聰穎活潑,師承澎湖趙鵬沖秀才,領悟力極高,結婚後遊學於新港林維朝秀才,漢學詩文青出於藍,是當地「猿江三才」之一,宏揚漢學不餘遺力,也是當時雲嘉南地區頗有名氣的傳統詩人,是跨越日治與戰後兩大時代的「二世文人」,同時創作新舊文學的大詩人。多才多藝,精通堪輿、醫術、卜爻、詩詞、絃管、棋弈、書法、丹青、拳術、燈謎……等百家技藝,所以有「全方位怪才」之美譽。1954年黃傳心出版《劍堂吟草》,此書五百餘首詩乃是黃傳心畢生心血之作,次於1965年《劍堂吟草續集》付梓,最後於1978年,與夫人柯絳英之作,合為一輯出版《丹心集》以慰夫人天國之魂。其詩文題材包羅萬象,文筆豪放不拘,引用典故,渾然一體,竹枝詞不拘俚俗,初看淺顯平淡,細嚼韻味無窮,將庶民文化、習俗展露無遺。 本論文寫作的目的,主要在於探究黃傳心的一生與其最具風土民情的竹枝詞,筆者共蒐集九十首竹枝詞,黃傳心觀察萬物之情天生異稟,寫作題材無所不包,無論山川美景、百業人物、風俗民情,都能成為詩作吟詠的題材與內涵。其竹枝詞分別記錄臺南、東石、副瀨、北港、虎尾、朴子等地的生活習俗、社會經濟與庶民文化,頗能代表雲嘉南地區的區域文學,希望本論文能引起臺灣文學界的重視,展開更深入與精確的研究,肯定黃傳心在臺灣的傳統教育傳承與學術成就的價值。


Fa Huang(1895–1979), known as Chuan-xin Huang or Jian-tang Huang, was born in Dong-Shi village, Chia-yi county in Taiwan. He was clever, outgoing and with a comprehensive mind since he was a child. He firstly learned from a scholar named Peng-chong Zhao in Ponghu county, and then the other scholar named Wei-chao Lin in Xingang Town in Chia-yi county after he was married. He became famous in middle Taiwan for his study and his promotion for poetry and literature in Sinology, and was called as “one of three scholars in Yuan-jiang”and “Two-generation scholar” for Japan-ruling generation and after World War II generation. He is also known as “Omnipotent Scholar” for his all kinds of studies such as Feng-shui, medication, Fortune-telling, lyrics, string instruments, Chinese chess, calligraphy, Chinese Painting, Chinese kung-fu, Chinese lantern puzzles, etc.. In 1954 Huang published 《Jian-tang poetry》, a poem-collection containing over 500 of his best poems, then in 1965 “the sequel of Jian-tang poetry” and finally in 1978 ” Dan-xin poetry”, co-composed with his wife Chiang-ying Ko as a memory gift after she passed away . Huang’s comprehensive topics, unconstrained writing style, and good command of quotation and fulfillment with citizen culture make his Zhu-Zhi poem with first impression of ordinary but with the long-lasting charm. The purpose of this dissertaion is to survey Chuan-xin Hwang’s life and his most representative Zhu-Zhi poem among which the author collected and analyzed 90 in this dissertaion. All kinds of emotions and observations on all things on the earth can be all kinds of topics and contents for his poems and articles-- mountains and scenery, people of different work, social customs, etc.. His Zhu-Zhi poem documents the customs, social, economical and civil culture in Tainan county and villages of Dong-shi, Fulai、Beigang、Huwei、Puzi in Chia-yi county and therefore represents a typical local literature of Yunlin, Chia-yi and Tainan counties in Taiwan. The author expects this dissertation can draw attentions on Taiwan Literature and hopes more researches can be done to make people appreciate Huang’s educational devotions and academic values in Taiwan.


