  • 學位論文

志工參與國民小學天文教育服務學習經驗之研究 -以嘉義市某國小家長志工團為例

A study on the Services- Learning Experiences of Volunteers Participating in the Elementary Astronomy Education -An Example of a Small Parent VolunteersGroup in Chiayi City

指導教授 : 張菀珍


本研究旨在瞭解志工參與國民小學天文教育服務學習的經驗,透過國民小學天文教育推廣計畫的學習與培訓,提升志工家長在天文教育推廣教學的專業程度,並從實際服務的歷程與服務學習的反思中,將天文教育內化為自己的生活經驗且得到自我的成長。本研究的研究目的如下:   一、瞭解志工參與國小天文教育服務學習之動機。   二、分析志工參與服務學習的歷程。   三、瞭解志工參與服務學習的困境及其因應之道。   四、探討志工參與服務學習反思後的成長與改變。   五、根據研究結果提出建議,作為學校規畫服務學習方案之參考。   為達以上目的,本研究採質性研究,以半結構性的訪談方式,針對七位參與天文教育的志工進行訪談,經過訪談紀錄、逐字稿編碼、主題分析的詮釋,得到以下結論: 一、志工參與國民小學天文教育服務學習的動機多元且多重 二、充足的天文知識與良好的班級經營有助於學生學習,建立志工的教學自信心 三、合作學習與同儕輔導的策略有助於提升志工在天文教育的教學效能 四、正向積極的態度與自我導向的學習能幫助志工面對及解決困境 五、服務學習反思能使志工轉化創新,持續投入服務學習 六、志工對志工團隊、團隊成員及學校的情感,是支持服務學習持續投入的最大的因素 七、志工透過服務學習,為自己帶來許多成長與改變,提升自我的生命意義及價值 八、服務學習的經驗落實終身學習的理念,使志工能不斷的學習與成長 九、從服務學習理論重新檢視天文教育服務學習方案的設計,作為學校特色教學的參考   從以上結論建議志工能在參與服務學習當中放開心胸當一個快樂的志工,也要時常反思檢討,將自己的觸角更加延伸,更期待志工能以擔任天文輔導員或專業的天文教師為職志,提升自我的生命價值;在志工團隊部分則建議行政工作均勻分配,並配合學校積極招募志工伙伴;對學校則建議行政單位應配合學校教學特色推展,提供志工服務學習的相關課程;在未來研究部分則可選取不同學校的天文志工或針對天文教學方案,進行不同質或量的研究。


This study aims to understand theService-Learning experience of volunteers participating in the elementary astronomy education, through learning and trainingprograms of elementary astronomy education can promote and enhance the professional level of volunteers.From the reflection of Service-Learning can promote the growth of oneself and internalization the astronomy education to life experiences. The purpose of this study are as follows: 1.Understand the motivations of volunteersin the elementary astronomy education Service-Learning. 2.Analyze the process of volunteers to participate in Service-Learning. 3.Understand the predicament of volunteers to participate in Service -Learning and coping methods. 4.Explore volunteers to participate in Service-Learning growth and change after reflection. 5.Make recommendations based on the findings, as a reference for the planning service-learning programsat the school. In order to achieve the purpose, the study used a qualitative research, semi-structured interviews forseven volunteers participating in astronomy education ,after the interview records, transcripts coding, analysis, interpretation of the theme, the conclusions are found as follows:   1.The motivations of volunteersin the elementary astronomy education Service-Learning are multivariate and multiple.   2.Full astronomy knowledge and good classroom management can help students to learn, and build the confidence of volunteers.   3. The plot of cooperative learning and peer counseling can help to promote the effectiveness of teaching in the astronomy education.   4.Positive attitude and self-directed learning can help volunteers to face and solve problems.   5.The reflection of Service-Learning can make volunteers transform and innovate , continueparticipating the Service-Learning.   6.The emotion of volunteers for the volunteer team, volunteer members and school ,is the most important reason to participate the Service-Learning.   7.From the Service-Learning ,volunteers can promote the meaning of life, bring the growth and change for self.   8.Service-Learningimplement the idea of lifelong learning, make the volunteers grow ongoing.   9.From the Service-Learning theory ,to check the Service-Learningprogram of astronomy education and to be a reference of school characteristic.   It suggested that volunteers should open hearts to be happy and reflect theirself. Volunteers can be professional astronomy counselors or astronomy teachers and enhance the worth of theirself. In part of volunteer team ,it suggested the executive work apportion evenly,and recruited volunteer partners actively. It is recommended that the school administrative unit shall cooperate with the school teaching specialties and provide volunteers service-learning courses. In the next study section you can select astronomy volunteers in the different schools or astronomy teaching programs, to do quantitative research or qualitative research.




