  • 學位論文


Upgrading Competitive Advantage in the Auto Industry:-A casa study of Luxgen

指導教授 : 洪清德


本研究以汽車產業為研究對象,探討企業在競爭激烈的環境中如何掌握市場機會以突破低利潤的限制,並以裕隆集團成立的自主品牌納智捷做為代表性企業,分析其營運模式與競爭策略,探討其如何取得競爭優勢,也希望藉由探討企業對於提升競爭優勢採取了何種做法,並透過相關文獻探討,以半結構式的深度訪談發展出本研究命題,透過文獻以及訪談資料驗證本研究命題的支持度。本研究所得到之主要命題結論如下: -對消費者行為的掌握影響企業競爭優勢:產品設計的年輕化與注意消費者脈動的趨勢化對於企業的競爭優勢存在著重大影響,企業對市場趨勢的反應以及對環境改變的回應能力影響市場競爭力。 -企業資源影響企業競爭優勢:裕隆成立至今的悠久歷史提供納智捷許多奠定品牌基石的經驗,另外也由於企業領導人強烈的民族使命情感,對於品牌的企圖心帶領企業在短短五年內迅速提高知名度,有效運用企業原有資源有利於市場競爭力。 -差異化影響企業競爭優勢:企業透過差異化策略能將產品重新定位,以前瞻科技配備做為納智捷的代表,藉此獲取有力的競爭優勢。 -品牌形象影響企業競爭優勢:品牌形象是一個品牌成功的關鍵之一,企業藉由創新的行銷手法以及公益活動來樹立良好的品牌形象,可以大大的提升企業在產業內的競爭優勢。 -推動自主品牌影響企業競爭優勢:成立自主品牌可以跳脫出代工限制的框架,並在面對市場時可以做靈活的策略調整,獲得主導力進而也可以影響競爭優勢。


The major objective of this study is to investigate the auto industry.Discussing business model to competitive advantage.This case for study 「LUXGEN」auto brand in Taiwan,analyzing their business model and competitive strategy . This study is semi-structured in -depth interviews,through literature and interviews data validation study support the proposition . This study is based on 6 interviews and articles.The following are findings and conclusion: -Consumer behavior:grasp the consumer behavior is helpful for competitve advantage,just like product design.Business should always follow the changes of the environment. -Enterprise resource is helpful for competitve advantage:Yulon have a lot of experience, and the leader have the strong feelings of national mission,so the enterprise should effective use of existing resources in favor of market competitiveness. -Differentiation strategy is helpful for competitve advantage:through differentiation strategy can obtaine a strong competitive advantage,just like the forward-looking technology of Luxgen. -Brand image is helpful for competitve advantage:the brand image is the key to the success of a brand ,business through innovative marketing practices and public service activities to establish a good brand image, can greatly enhance the competitive advantage in the industry. -Original Brand Manufacturing is helpful for competitve advantage:OBM is more flexible when face to the market and also can dominate all the strategy,so OBM can enhance the competitive advantage in the industry.


Luxgen Competitive Advantage Auto


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