  • 學位論文


A Study Of The Relationship Between Population Statistic Variables and Turnover Rate

指導教授 : 黃維民


醫院是人力成本密集度高的服務業,醫護從業人員的人力資本更是主要的投資的資產,在醫療服務品質與經營管理的角度來看,若醫療單位無法維持既定運作人力,控制人力資本成本的投入,則會失去競爭優勢並限制未來發展,醫療品質亦有所影響。 依據中華民國護理師護士公會全國聯合會會102年12月~103年2月針對全國各醫院所作調查,在回覆之303家醫院中,272家(89.76%)醫院表示有護理人員招募困難問題,其中130家(約4成)醫院表示非常困難。2012年台北市護理師公會調查,臨床護理人員離職率約28%;而新進護理人員三個月內的離職率為32%,一年的離職率高達58%。 本研究的主要動機在藉資訊管理的導入,探討各項人口因素與離職率之間的相關性結果,驗證年資、年齡、性別、教育程度、服務科別及平均月薪與離職傾向之間的關係。提供醫院管理者在人員的遴選招聘、培育投資與薪資給付時之參考。目的有下列幾點:1、探討醫院護理人員人口因素與離職的關聯性。2、討論薪資所得因素、工作環境因素及個人特質與離職率間的關聯性。3、探討醫院護理人員之人口統計變項對離職意向之預測程度。本研究以資料探勘技術進行資料處理,所得資料以統計軟體SPSS22版進行敘述性統計、卡方檢定、迴歸分析。 研究結果說明如下:1、離職樣本中,其在職年資在一年以內的比率最高,次高為2-5年。2、離職樣本中,病房類別的部門有其相關性,尤以急重症性質之病房占率較高。3、離職樣本中,平均月薪資所得在38000元以下者最多,佔54.6%。資料探勘技術運用於人口變項與離職之關聯性確實能有效進行資料的分析引用,整合後之資料再加以應用統計分析方法檢定,其結果具有參考價值。本研究屬資料探勘的分類領域,採關聯性分析,顯示鑑別分析縱然有許多限制條件,但整體判別效果仍可提供醫療機構未來在因應離職率與成本投入時,可作為參考依據。在精確的時間與正確的原因內投入有效益的投資,不但可提升員工滿意度,更節省多數的物質、時間及人力成本。本研究依據上述結論,對個案醫院與其他醫療人資管理者者提出建議,以供參考之用。


資料探勘 離職


The hospital is the human cost-intensive service industry. health care manpower is the main asset investment. In the view point of management and medical services, if the medical unit of manpower operation unable to maintain stable and control labor cost, hospital will lose the competitive advantage and limit future development, health care quality is also affected. According to the Taiwan Union of Nurses Association’s survey for all hospitals nationwide from 2013.12 to 2014.02 .There are 303 hospitals reply, and 272 (89.76%) hospitals expressed difficulty recruiting nurses, of which 130 (about 40%) hospital was very difficult. According to Taipei Nurses Association survey in 2012, turnover rate of clinical nurses was about 28%; while new nurses leave within three months was 32%, one-year turnover rate as high as 58%. The main motivation of this study by introducing information management, and to explore the relevance of the population factors and the turnover rate among seniority, age, gender, education, service division and the average monthly salary. The purpose of this study is: 1.to discussion the connection between nurses population factors and turnover rate. 2.to discussion the connection of turnover rate between salary income factors, work environmental factors and personal qualities. 3.to discussion the population factors of hospital’s nurses' and predict the turnover intention. In this study, data mining technology for data processing, the resulting data to statistical software SPSS22 edition descriptive statistics, chi-square test, regression analysis. The results are as follows: 1, In the sample, the highest turnover rate of seniority is less than one year, the second highest for 2-5 years. 2, In the samples, ward categories department has its relevance, especially in emergency wards. 3, In the sample, Salary income at NT38,000 or less accounted the highest turnover rate, about 54.6%. Data mining technology used in demographic variables and relevance of separation can indeed effectively analyze reference data, data integration together after application of statistical methods to test, and the results have reference value. Observe the period of five years, salary adjustments have some reference value can predict the movement rate of nursing manpower, but the influence of the amount of time yet to prove. In this study, based on the above conclusions, hospitals and other medical human resources managers who make recommendations for reference purposes.




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