  • 學位論文


Social Network Analysis: An Approach for The Information Disclosure of Corporate social Responsibility

指導教授 : 黃士銘


由於近年來對於社會議題的重視以及環保意識的抬頭,使得企業社會責任備受矚目。企業在過度追求財務績效下,可能會造成利害關係人的權益受到忽視。近年來世界各地違反企業社會責任的案件層出不窮,包括今年剛發生的大統假油案以及摩斯漢堡的有毒薯條事件,以及日月光排放汙水事件,都是企業未盡到對社會大眾應有的企業社會責任案例。企業除了對於公司的股東以及員工來進行營運外,身為社會的一份子,企業應以增加社會福利為考量來進行營運。 由於企業社會責任越來越受到重視,為了因應大環境的改變,企業投入更多的時間與成本來撰寫企業社會責任報告書,但面對多樣且複雜的企業社會責任報告書,不同產業以及不同企業所著重之議題略有差異,如果企業之利害關係人想了解各產業以及個企業整份企業社會責任報告書之內容,必會費時又費力。每年發佈一次之企業社會責任報告書,其會缺少即時的資訊提供。 本研究將運用社會網絡分析以及文字探勘之技術對半導體以及光電產業之企業社會責任報告書進行分析,並結合企業社會責任相關新聞,利用設計科學研究方法,建構即時線上整合機制,提供企業之利害關係人動態資訊,以達到增加企業社會責任之資訊揭露程度。


Due to the rise in recent years, attention to social issues and environmental awareness, making corporate social responsibility more important. Enterprises in the pursuit of financial performance under excessive, it may cause the interests of the interested party being ignored. In recent years, cases of violation of corporate social responsibility emerging around the world, including a Chang Chi Foodstuff Factory of false oil case just happened this year as well as toxic event Mos Burger fries, and ASE sewage events are business entirely to the public due to CSR cases. Companies in addition to the company's shareholders and employees to carry out operations, but as a member of society, companies should consider in order to increase social welfare for operations. Due to corporate social responsibility more and more attention should be changed in order for the environment, and businesses to invest more time and cost to write CSR report, but the face of diverse and complex corporate social responsibility report, different industries and different companies focus on topics of slightly different, if interested enterprises and want to know the contents of the industrial enterprises the whole of corporate Social responsibility Report, will dues time and effort. Corporate Social Responsibility Report published annually once the book, which will be the lack of real-time information available. This study uses the social network technology and text mining technology to construct an online real-time integration mechanism. The result shows the relationship between corporate social responsibility reports and the related news. In addition, this study provides the dynamic information to increase the information disclosure of corporate social responsibility reports for enterprise stakeholder.


