  • 學位論文

實施PIC/S GMP台灣藥廠爭取國際訂單之競爭策略

Implementation of PIC / S GMP, Taiwan Pharmaceutical Companies’ Competitive Strategy Strive for International Business

指導教授 : 洪清德


藥品是攸關人類生命與健康的產業,隨著生活富裕,科學越來越發達,各國政府對於藥品品質管理也日趨嚴格。2015年台灣全面實施 PIC/S GMP,台灣藥業與國際接軌,邁入了一個新的里程碑。然而,藥廠進行品質升級投入龐大的資金,加上原本的內需市場,因為健保調降給付價的衝擊,獲利下降,廠商必須積極投入新市場,。因此,台灣藥廠必須配合政府政策、國際趨勢並結合本身優勢強化與國際的合作關係,從中尋找出新的方向。 本研究希望了解台灣實施PIC/S GMP後,台灣藥廠進入國際市場爭取訂單所採取的競爭策略及成效,也作為其他廠商進入國際市場之借鏡。經過與廠商實地訪談後,歸納出以下結論。 1、PIC/S GMP可以提升競爭優勢,爭取國際訂單。 2、實施PIC/S GMP可降低技術性貿易障礙。 3、產品差異化有助於在國際市場競爭。 4、跨部門整合能力越強有助於爭取國際訂單。 5、豐沛的人脈有助於爭取國際訂單的機會。 6、與國際公司合作有助於提升藥廠本身之國際競爭力。 政府雖然積極拓展與國際間的醫藥合作,但受限於政治、國家主權問題,目前成效並不明顯。台灣廠商仍舊需要強化自身的實力、培養具有國際觀的人才以及提高對國際市場的敏銳度,才能成功爭取國際訂單。


The pharmaceutical industry is related to human life and health. With life is more affluent and science is more developed, the drug quality management become more and more stringent for every country. In 2015, Taiwan implements PIC / S GMP in full. Taiwan pharmaceutical industry follows international standards entering a new milestone. However, the pharmaceutical companies make huge capital investment to upgrade facility, but the profit decline in original domestic market because the health insurance payments decrease, the companies must involve in new markets more actively. Therefore, Taiwan pharmaceutical companies must follow the Government policy, international trends and combine their own advantages to strength the cooperation with international relationship and find a new direction. This study is to understand after the implementation of PIC / S GMP, the competitive strategy and effectiveness of Taiwan pharmaceutical companies to enter the international market and take orders, but also as learn to other companies for entering the international market. After interviewing with the respondents, this study summarize in the following conclusions. 1. PIC / S GMP is to enhance the competitive advantage for international orders. 2. Implementing PIC / S GMP could reduce the technical trading barriers. 3. Product differentiation is conducive to compete in the international market. 4. The stronger cross-functional integration helps to get the international orders. 5. Abundant network is gotten more opportunity to get international orders. 6. Cooperation with international pharmaceutical companies helps to improve the international competitiveness of its own Although the Government has expanded international medical cooperation actively, but it limited by political, national sovereignty, the effect is not clear at present. Taiwanese companies still need to enhance their own strength, training personnel with an international perspective and increasing acuity on the international market, in order to fight for international orders successfully.


