  • 學位論文

探討國內中小企業採用雲端SaaS服務意願之關鍵因素-以Google Apps for Business 為例

Examining Critical Factors Influencing SME Adoption Intention of Cloud SaaS Services - Take Google Apps for Business for Instance

指導教授 : 廖則竣


雲端運算無疑是21世紀迄今資訊產業環境最大的變革,各國際資訊大廠莫不積極投入雲端運算行列,並依據NIST提出的三種服務模式:IaaS(架構即服務)、PaaS(平台即服務)、SaaS(軟體即服務),分別發展,陸續推出硬體、網路、平台及軟體等服務,以逐鹿龐大雲端運算市場。 台灣中小企業因可投注於資訊化的預算與資源相當有限,故一直是資訊化腳步中最末端的組織,而雲端運算產業的興起,雲端SaaS服務的推出,無疑是對中小企業資訊化注入新的活水,而這一活水即是雲端運算時代衍生出的龐大商機。 本研究參考科技-組織-環境架構(Technology-Organization-Environment, TOE),彙整相關研究文獻,並參酌雲端SaaS服務之特殊因素,建構出影響國內中小企業採用雲端SaaS服務之研究模式,本研究模式區分為「科技構面」、「組織構面」、「環境構面」及、「SaaS供應商構面」等四個部分來探討其關鍵因素,本研究共回收213份有效問卷,經使用區別分析方法分析問卷資料,其結果顯示「資料安全性」、「使用自由性」、「公司規模」、「法規支持」、「競爭壓力」、「服務等級協議」及「試用服務」等,對於中小企業採用雲端SaaS服務的意願之影響是顯著的,此一研究結果可做為產官學界及雲端SaaS服務供應商協助中小企業採用雲端SaaS服務之作為規劃上提供參考。


The cloud computing has no doubt been the biggest innovation in the information technology industry in the 21th century. All major international information technology companies have aggressively invested in the cloud computing technology. New hardware, networks, platforms and software were developed based on the three service models introduced by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce): the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), the Platform as a Service (PaaS), and the Software as a Service (Saas). Investing in information and computing infrastructure has always been the lowest priority for Taiwan’s SMEs. This has been the case due to limited budgets and resources. Recently this situation has a dramatic change thanks to the rise of the cloud computing industry. The Saas services from cloud computing has injected new life into the SMEs, created huge business opportunities. This study has referenced Technology, Organization and Environment Framework (TOE). Together with relevant research literatures and distinct characteristics SaaS services from the cloud computing, this study produced a new research model. This research model focused on the impact to the SMEs after adopting the Saas services from the cloud computing. This model studied key factors that impacted SMEs from four contexts, the technology context, the organization context, the environmental context, and the SaaS provider context. In this study, 213 valid questionnaires were collected, analyzed questionnaire data by using discriminant analysis method, The results show the following factors can help SMEs to adopt cloud services intention effects are significant, those factors are :"Information Security", "Use to anytime, anywhere", "Firm size", "Regulatory support", "Competitive pressure", "Service Level Agreements" and "Trial Service". The results of this study can be used as industry, government and academia and cloud SaaS service providers to assist SMEs to adopt SaaS cloud services as a planning reference.


Discriminant Analysis SME TOE Framework SaaS Cloud Computing


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