  • 學位論文


Abolition of Death Penalty

指導教授 : 盧映潔


摘要 對於人權的尊重與保障,是刑事司法體系的最高指導原則,不自證己罪、無罪推定以及有疑唯利被告原則,是現代法治國家採行控訴原則之下,為確保被告程序主體地位所建構的原則。刑事訴訟法第154條第1項:「被告未經審判證明有罪確定前,推定其為無罪。」即是無罪推定原則最佳的體現,其基本理念就是人權保障,死刑是剝奪犯罪者的生命,由於它制裁效果的嚴厲性,應該作為最後手段性。 我國是死刑存置國家,廢除死刑的理念並未萌芽,解除戒嚴後,社會治安惡化,在亂世用重典的時代背景下,死刑罪名汗牛充棟,死刑執行人數居高不下,國際組織曾多次提出廢除死刑之建議,2000年政黨輪替,總統陳水扁公開呼應「廢除死刑的主張」,在逐步廢除死刑政策的持續推動下,死刑執行人數有顯著的下降,甚至已經停止執行死刑達4年之久,2009年兩公約施行後,迫於民意壓力下重啟死刑執行,廢除死刑始終無法形成多數的共識,但廢除死刑已經是國際上的趨勢,我國不能孤立於國際社會外,在死刑存廢發展的歷程上也應與國際社會接軌,有助於提升我國的國際社會地位。 本研究透過對廢除死刑正反理論之探討,說明國際的死刑趨勢及我國死刑的政策與現況,提出我國廢除死刑面臨的問題及因應廢除死刑之替代方式,更透過實地訪談以期能深入了解死刑犯及其家屬以及被害人家屬對於死刑的態度及廢除死刑政策議題的相關意見。 關鍵字:無罪推定原則、廢除死刑、停止執行死刑、逐步廢除死刑政策


Abstract A criminal justice system should place the respect and the protection of human rights in the highest order. When a country under the rule of law exerts the complaints principles, the right against self-incrimination, the presumption of innocence, and the rule in dubio pro reo are conceived in order to assure the subject position of the defendant in court. The 1st item under the 154th article of the Code of Criminal Procedure states that, before a defendant is proved guilty, he or she is presumed innocent. This article is a perfect embodiment of the idea of the presumption of innocence, and it is founded on the belief that human rights should be duly protected. What a penalty of death takes away is the life of an offender, and such severity should be used only as the last resort. Death penalty still exists in the law of our country the idea of its abolishment has not sprouted yet. After the lifting of the martial law, our society faced deterioration in its public order. In an era like this, severe laws used severe penalty. The number of the offenders sentenced to death stayed high. International organizations suggested the idea of the abolishment of death penalty for many times. And in 2000, Chen Shueibian, then the president of the Republic of China, also advocated this very idea, which was thereafter carried out gradually. In result, the number of people executed lessened remarkably, and there once was no one executed in four years. After the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights were put into practice in 2009, people have cried for the execution of death penalty. Though the idea of the abolishment of death penalty is not appreciated by the most, it’s the trend of the world. Our country cannot alienate itself from the international society. If our country does not part ways with the internal society on this issue, its international prestige would be strengthened as well. This research sees into the views that goes with and the views that goes against the idea of the abolishment of death penalty, and shows how death penalty is used in our county and how the international society tends to deal with this subject. After that, the problems that the country faces when abolishing death penalty and the alternatives to death penalty are discussed. Moreover, several interviews are held in order to gain a better understanding of how death-row inmates, their families and their victims see Death penalty and its abolishment. the right against self-incrimination, the presumption of innocence, and the rule in dubio pro reo. Keyword: the presumption of innocence, the abolishment of death penalty, to refrain from the execution of death penalty, the policy of a gradual abolishment of death penalty



