  • 學位論文

從約書亞到六日戰爭 (西元前1446年到1967年): 以色列國家行為與猶太教

指導教授 : 李佩珊


以色列世界上唯一一個猶太教國家,以色列的國族命運也一直與猶太傳統與宗教有相當深的連結。這一群猶太民族在巴勒斯坦曾經度過幾千年的歷史,建立獨特、且滲透以色列文化結構的宗教傳統,且深深影響著猶太人經歷了兩千年的大漂流後,在1948年於巴勒斯坦建國。 本文從西元前1446年,以色列人由埃及出走,回到他們的應許之地─迦南地,討論到以色列1967年六日戰爭收復聖城耶路撒冷的這一段歷史,試圖透過以色列歷史上三次由異地歸回的復國行動及相關歷史事件,進而藉著猶太經典文獻的分析,來看猶太教及其教義到底對以色列民族及猶太人造成什麼樣深遠的影響。 本研究發現: 一、 以色列人與以色列的神存在一種立約關係,影響其對歷史的解讀,以及傾向做出符合神喻的政策判斷。 二、 猶太人的「上帝的選民」之身分認同,以及被揀選來完成神的大計畫之觀念,使猶太人產生民族優越感,也影響其與其他民族的關係。 三、 猶太人對未來救贖的想像,幫助其度過苦難,並且相信救贖是神計畫中的一環。 四、 「迦南地是神賜給猶太人的應許之地」之概念,是猶太人堅定的信念,也是其復國的動力與目標。


猶太復國 猶太教 以色列


As the world’s only Jewish state, Israel’s national fate has been closely linked to the Jewish religion and traditions. The Jewish people have lived on Palestinian soil for over a few millenniums, and built unique religious traditions that permeate Israeli cultural structures. Such traditions have been key factors in the establishment of the State of Israel on Palestinian soil in 1948, ending two thousand years of living in diasporas. This paper attempts to discuss the profound influences that Judaism and its doctrines have on Israelis and the Jewish people by analyzing classical Jewish documents, the 3 returns to the promised land in Israeli history as well as relevant historical events. The research discussion will begin from the Israelis’ journey from Egypt to their promised land, Canaan, in 1446 BC, to the 1967 six-day war which saw Israel reclaim the holy city of Jerusalem. This research discovers that: 1. Israelis subscribe to a covenant between themselves and the God of their faith, which influences their interpretation of history and explains their inclination towards making policy judgments that are in line with God’s will. 2. Jewish belief in their identity of being “God’s chosen people” and them being chosen to complete God’s plan has generated a sense of superiority in the Jewish people. This has deeply affected their relations with other nations. 3. The Jewish imagination on future redemption has helped them in overcoming hardship, as they believe that redemption is a part of God’s plan. 4. The Jewish people believe strongly that Canaan is the Promised Land which God has bestowed them with. Such an unwavering belief is the motivation and objective in their quest for Zionism.


Zionism Judaism Israel


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