  • 學位論文

享樂主義、物質主義與捷思 對衝動性購買影響之研究

Hedonism, Materialism, and Heuristic on Impulse Buying

指導教授 : 莊世杰


現今社會經濟蓬勃發展下,人們對於物質的需求已不再只是講求滿足消費者對產品需求的基本功能,消費者開始進一步去追求產品能夠提供的一些額外附加價值,經濟的成長,使得擁有消費能力的人數亦逐步推升,消費者開始懂得享受、捨得享受,使得社會充斥著擁有強烈消費慾望者。換言之,消費者的需求,從馬斯洛需求層級中生理需求以提升到自尊他尊甚至自我實現的層級。例如體驗對產品使用過程的感受,或是使用產品時代表的身分及所象徵社會地位等。因此,物質主義與享樂主義對現今社會所帶來的影響,已是不容小觑。 台灣消費者已發展出地獨特個人物質主義及享樂主義,因此本研究試圖於此講究不同層級消費者滿足的現今社會,進一步深入探討消費者的內在情緒狀態,表現在個人的生活、價值觀以及行為上,如:享樂主義傾向、物質主義需求是否對消費者的衝動性購買會所影響,以作為利用消費者決策過程設計各項行銷策略之決策參考。 本研究採問卷調查法,主要以紙本問卷進行發放,最後回收問卷318份,經剔除回答不完整或固定答案之無效問卷17份,總計有效問卷301份,有效問卷比率為94.65%。本研究計分析結果顯示,消費者捷思程度顯著的正向影響衝動性購買行為;消費者享樂主義程度越高將伴隨著較高的衝動性購買行為;物質主義程度越高則衝動性購買行為越顯著。 據此研究結果,本研究建議B2B相關產業的經營者,在消費者決策過程中,消費者越趨向於非理性邏輯的捷思模式,越容易產生衝動性購買,給予消費者把消費視為一種取悅自己的過程,透過右腦的思考模式來體驗其感受,得到其情緒與心情的滿足。再者,提供消費者享樂的消費價值,例如同時購買到奇特、限量或是物超所值的商品所產生的快樂感,來引發其衝動性購買。最後,針對目標顧客族群,應賦予產品適合該目標顧客足以凸顯其使用者身分、地位、認同感的訊息,讓消費者所欲購買產品提供出價值及擁有該產品之身分表徵相連結,則更可有效引發其購買的欲望。


Nowadays, people's demand for the material are no longer content with the basic functionality of the product requirements, but further to pursue some additional value-added products can provide in the booming economy. Economic growth has keeping promoted spending power gradually. Consumers who know how to enjoy, willing to enjoy has made the society filling with those who have a strong desire for consumption. In other words, consumer demand has been raised from Maslow's hierarchy of physiological needs, self-esteem to respect and even the level of self-actualization. Therefore, it is should not be underestimated that the impact of materialism and hedonism upon modern society. Consumers in Taiwan has developed a unique personal materialism and hedonism, different consumers have different needs and satisfaction for products. In order to supply the reference for the use of consumer decision-making process to design the marketing strategy, the present study has further attempted to investigate the impact of inner emotional state of consumers, such as hedonism and materialism, on individual's life, values and impulse buying behaviors. This study conducted a paper questionnaire survey. 318 questionnaires have been collected, by removing the incomplete or invalid questionnaires, 301 among them are valid. The valid rate reached 94.65%. Statistical analysis showed a significant degree of consumer heuristic influence impulse buying behavior positively; the higher the level of consumer hedonism, the more impulse buying behavior; the higher the materialistic, the more impulse buying behavior. According to the results, it is argued that in the decision-making process, the more consumers tend to irrational heuristic model, the more prone to impulse buying. It is thus suggested that B2B marketers should make the consumption a self-pleased process which can satisfy the consumers through experience. Furthermore, providing consumers with hedonic consumption value, such as purchase of the strange, limited sense of happiness or good value commodities produced, to lead the impulse buying. Finally, the marketers should endow the product with specific identity and status toward the target groups to present the value and identity linking of the product characterization. Then the desire to buy can be triggered effectively.




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