  • 學位論文


U.S. Arms Sales to Taiwan and China's Response: 2001-2014

指導教授 : 林正義


美國對台軍售是維持台海兩岸和平最重要的政策,這項政策的法理依據來自《台灣關係法》。美國對台軍售與美國「一個中國」政策,以及美國對台灣安全的承諾有很大的牽連,這兩者之間存在著予盾與爭議。 美國視對台軍售是維持兩岸軍力均勢有效的方法,除了經濟上能獲得極大的利益之外;另外,在國際政治上,被視為美國與中國外交談判的籌碼。中國則認為美對台軍售是干涉中國內政的行為,嚴重違背中美三個聯合公報的精神,侵犯到中國的「核心利益」,要求美國停止對台軍售,以免傷害美中關係的發展。台灣從2001年民進黨執政開始,內部藍綠政爭紛擾不斷,對於美對同意出售的軍品清單不再如同以往般照單全收,而美國也未能出售F16 C/D型戰機或協助台灣取得潛艦。 美對台軍售的議題始終是觀察台美中關係變化的重要指標,不僅軍售內容與宣佈的時機,可以反映出美中台關係的變化趨勢,並且從美中台三方對軍售的態度與北京的反應作為,影響三者之間關係的發展。從2001年至2014年之間,中國國力大增與美國國力持續衰弱,眾多的國際議題上,美國必須取得中國的支持與合作,也使得對台出售的軍品內容的質量呈現逐年下降趨勢,這是值得注意的警訊。


U.S. arm sales policy to Taiwan has always been an important factor of peace in the Taiwan Strait. The policy can be dated back to the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) in 1979. There is a dilemma between U.S. One-China Policy and Taiwan Relations Act, so leading to a series of conflict between China and the United States. In addition to economic benefits, U.S.arms sales policy to Taiwan not only maintains the balance of power in the Taiwan Strait, but also serves as useful bargaining chips when negotiating with China. However, China claims that U.S. arms sales to Taiwan has constituted interference in China’s internal affairs, violation of three Sino-US joint communiqués and erosion of China’s core interest. Therefore, China is calling on the U.S. to stop arms sales to Taiwan; otherwise it will harm the harmonious development of U.S-China relations. When the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) was in power, Taipei did not purchase all the U.S. arms items sold to Taiwan. On the other hand, the U.S. did not agree to sell F16/CD fighter jets or assist Taiwan to obtain diesel-powered submarines. U.S. arms sales policy to Taiwan has always been a significant indicator of Taiwan-U.S-China trilateral relationship. U.S. arms sales lists and the timing of announcements reflect the changing relationship among Taiwan, U.S. and China. Their attitudes toward arms sales and Beijing’s reactions to the sales further influence the development of their future relationship. During the last decade, there has been a growing change of balance of power in the Asia-Pacific region due to the rise of China and the decline of the United States. Therefore, the rise of China makes U.S arms sales to Taiwan declining year after year, which is a warning worthy of further observation.


