  • 學位論文

新自由主義與日本郵政民營化 -兼論對台灣郵政改革的啟示

Neoliberalism and Japan’s Postal Service Privatization: The Implications for Taiwan’s Postal Service Reform

指導教授 : 李俊毅


摘 要 近代郵政起源於英國,在二次大戰後,凱因斯主義的崛起使得政府大力介入經濟活動造就了公營企業的產生,而公營企業多數佔據重要的產業,包括能源、水、鋼鐵等,而郵政亦是其中之一,屬於勞力密集產業的郵政事業,在經過多年發展,在1980年代世界景氣不佳下,財政上的赤字促使各國開始推動民營化政策,其中又以英國和美國為代表,透過民營化企圖將公營事業轉為民營股份公司,來減少政府組織同時減少公務員雇用,並提高行政效率進而降低經濟成長不佳帶來的政府赤字。 而日本在2001年小泉純一郎擔任首相開始推對日本郵政相關法案改革打著「降低政府組織」「減少赤字」的口號,無一不是新自由主義所提倡的思想,並且在2005年正式開始原日本郵政省的民營化改革,在這段改革的過程中,到底改變了什麼地方,以及政策的口號是否有具體實現。 而同樣的台灣的中華郵政公司同樣的也經過一波民營化政策的改革,台灣與日本的改革具體上有沒有相同的地方,而台灣在目前民營化政策停擺下,。和日本的改革相比較,台灣政府對於政府為何要推動民營化政策、具體希望得到的成果、郵政公司又為何需要民營化,皆缺乏深入分析與具體說明。其他包括組織體制問題、郵件經營權以及兩國雇用制度的不同,台灣在民營化改革方面不夠徹底可以從這些地方發現問題,也是未來若民營化政策繼續推動,政府是否有重視問題以及未來研究可以觀察的方向。 關鍵字:新自由主義、民營化、公營事業、日本郵政改革、台灣。


Abstract The modern postal system originated in Britain. After the World War II, the rise of Keynesianism which resulted in government intervention in economic activities led to the emgergence of state-run businesses, and the state-run businesses held many important industries such as iron and steel, energy, water and postal service, a labor-intensive industry. In the 1980s, worldwide stagnation and then fiscal deficit in many countries caused the advocacy of privatization, as exemplified by the United Kingdom and the United States. Through privatization, the governments can both cut down on bureacracy and reduce the expenditure on public servants which also improves the administrative effectiveness and reduce fiscal deficit. In 2001, Japan Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi promoted a series of postal service reforms to reduce governmental organization and fiscal deficit, both of them were influenced by neo-liberalism. And in 2005, the reform was officially launched. During the process of reform, what has been changed and whether the goals are achieved or not is the main course of this essay. The Chunghwa Post in Taiwan has been through a series of reforms under the privatization policy as well. Whether the reforms are in common, the reason why the government of Taiwan want to conduct privatization both in general and in postal service, the expected achievements and the stalemate of privatization in Taiwan lack for in-depth analysis and further elaboration in comparison to Japan. We can also find other issues like organizational structure, the operational right of mails, the differences between two employment systems and the lack of thoroughness in privatization in Taiwan. If the government contiues to carry out this policy in the future, they are worthy of further study and observation as well Keywords: Neo-liberalism, Privatization, Public utilities, Japan's postal service reform, Taiwan.


邱冠斌,劉佳昆,「我國公營事業民營化過程之研究−以中華電信為例」,中華行政學報,第4期(2007年6月),頁 119-132。
