  • 學位論文


The Audience Behaviour and Pleasure of Multi-Screen:The Case of Spectator Sports

指導教授 : 李政忠


匯流時代下閱聽人的日常生活已被各種螢幕所環繞,現代人更是離不開三螢:電視、電腦、手機的支配,人們越來越無法專注在單一媒介上,出現許多同時共用行為,其中尤以看電視時的多工行為最為明顯。越來越多人會在看電視節目時滑手機或是用電腦,顯示一種新型態的收視模式已經逐漸出現。 然而到底何謂「多螢」?無論是同時使用、雙重使用、媒介多工、跨螢使用、接續使用,或者只是如低頭族般的習慣行為,學界對此新興名詞定義不一,也了解不夠。本研究將多螢視為收視行為的一種,包含觀看節目時同步的同時使用與看完節目後非同步的接續使用。以最常出現多螢行為的運動賽事為例,訪談16位具有代表性相關經驗的閱聽人,探討多螢觀看下的整體脈絡、行為類型、使用動機與愉悅經驗。最後對未來研究與實務應用上提出相關建議。 多螢使用行為有同時性與接續性的差異,主要分為:無相關性、社交性、調查性使用三種。無相關性使用是基於娛樂與效率取向,在看比賽時做任何跟比賽無關的事。社交性使用是主要透過社群媒體、線上社群等,尋求關係的連結與群聚觀賞。調查性使用則是查詢比賽相關資訊,獲得更詳細的觀賽體驗。 多螢行為的動機仍與過去上網的動機類似,以娛樂、社交、資訊為主。但不同的是會受到觀看當下情境脈絡與比賽結構的影響,本質上仍是圍繞當下觀看體驗的最佳化,對閱聽人而言,如何在看節目的過程中獲得最大的娛樂感仍是他們最在乎的。其中本研究也發現了新的動機「控制感」,與運動賽事本身的「空檔時間」與「精彩變化度」是驅使閱聽人使用第二螢的主因。 多螢愉悅經驗是一種多重的愉悅感受,同時具有第一螢與第二螢的性質,這與過去多探討單螢/單文本的愉悅是相當不同的。依據第二螢的角色可分為兩種面向,一是對第一螢原有愉悅感的加強與補充,如增強體驗與輔助內容的愉悅。二是針對第一螢內容愉悅感不足的「填補」,如儀式控制的愉悅,是基於習慣下的體驗,某方面也能維繫閱聽人對於一般日常賽事的收視忠誠。 乍看之下多螢是單純的多工行為,本研究則認為多螢是另類的跨媒介娛樂性體驗,擴大了單螢時代的愉悅,卻也帶走了專心的樂趣。在閱聽人流動化與滲透化的時代,多螢僅只是現代閱聽行為重新定義、匯流的冰山一角而已。


動機 行為 運動賽事 第二螢 多螢 愉悅 跨媒介娛樂


In the era of convergence, the everyday life of audience were surrounded by all kinds of screen. Our life can’t without three kinds of screen: TV, computer, and mobile. People can’t focus on single media increasingly, and therefore there were more simultaneous media use, in particular watching TV. More and more people used the mobile while watching TV; as a result, a new kind of viewing mode has appeared. But what is “Multi-Screen”? No matters it was be called simultaneous use, dual use, media multitasking, cross-screen use, segmental use, or just a habit like phubbing. There was no one clear definition. So we defined it as a kind of viewing behavior which consists of synchronized simultaneous use while watching TV and non-synchronized segmental use after watched program. The spectator sports was the most common program of Multi-Screen. In order to find the behavior, motivation and pleasure of Multi-Screen, we interviewed with 16 audience who use second screen while watching the game. The behavior of Multi-Screen can be divided into three types: not program-related, social use and investigative. The not program-related use was based on the entertainment and efficiency, and people can do everying not related program in screen. To seek the relationship and co-viewing, the social use was primarily through social media and online communities. The investigative use searched for program-related information in order to obtain a more detailed experience of viewing. The motivation of Multi-Screen which consists of entertainment, sociability and informational was similar with Internet. But the difference was affected by the current context and the structure of programs. We also found a new motivation “control”, and the “gap time” or “exciting change” of the spectator sports was the main reason to use Multi-Screen. The pleasure of Multi-Screen which both had the nature of first and second screen was a multiple feelings. It was very different from the pleasure of single screen/text. According to the role of second screen, the pleasure can be divided into two orientation: first, the reinforcement and complement of original pleasure, e.g, “enhanced experience” and “auxiliary content”, and second, the fill of original pleasure, e.g, “habitual control”. In conclusion, the phenomenon of Multi-Screen was not just a simple multitasking. It was an alternative cross-media entertainment. In the media-drenched era, Multi-Screen was only the tip of iceberg that modern audience behavior have been redefined.




