  • 學位論文


Everyone is「Truman」:Conflict of technology control,Human Rights and national security

指導教授 : 蔡育岱


國家安全是任何一個維護長久治安的執政者必須重視的課題,尤其是在美國本土發生嚴重恐怖攻擊事件後,各國將反恐列為國家事務的重要指標;但是,就在2014年5月爆發了史諾登事件,且台灣內部也發生與政治有關的監聽案,我們開始省思在維護國家安全的前提下,是否對於人民的基本權產生過多的侵犯。 監控設備的使用,起源於科技設備的發明;現在社會各項生活中的大大小小事物皆與無形的網路資訊連結,爲了保護國家安全,我們的每一舉一動就彷彿攤在陽光底下無所遁形;近幾年來開始提倡人民的基本權利,搭上了二十世紀起源於美國對「隱私權」重視的法律概念,「隱私權」被解讀為一種「不受干擾的權利」,我們不能爲了國家安全而捨棄隱私權。 我們透過監聽、監視以及搜尋網路資訊的管道,達到犯罪偵查及維護國家安全的目的,高科技產品與維護「國家安全」是否會發生衝突,在於這項產品使用的目的;當我們合乎法理使用時,儘管侵犯到人民基本權利,但是基於國家公共利益的衡量,這樣的做法理應被接受。 人民已經養成依賴高科技的習慣,絕無可能爲了防止資料被竊取或是避免被盜用的疑慮而捨棄使用,讓自己回歸到原始生活是有難度的!當我們在使用這些設備時,也就是無形的將自我隱私權轉交給科技設備管理,所以在使用之前也應當有預期被侵犯的可能,科技發展的終極結果,就是造成人類脫離自然。 對於隱私權的重視,人民在表面上是不容許他人侵犯,但是在實質上的作為,卻又常常忽略自我安全的保護,就以瀏覽網頁及透過網路平臺註冊個人基本資料,一般人通常不會去細讀網頁中對於隱私權的規定內容,只因為我們太習慣我們自以為的常態,往往忘了自我保護的意識;我們實則有賴政府制定明確的法律與有效的管制,跟人民百姓的自我約束,才可以達到制止高科技濫用,並將這些設備運用在正當的用途—維護國家安全之目的。 而現今三大科技設備即是智慧型手機(監聽)、監視器(監視系統)及網際網路(資訊系統),這三大科技設備對於全球、社會及個人之安全維護層面的影響極巨,不容忽視。


輿情分析 監視器 監控 監聽 國家安全 史諾登


National security is an important issue to respect for every country's ruler. Especially, after the terrorist attacks in the United States, each country will be counter-terrorism as an important indicator of national affairs. When Snowden events Occurred in May 2014, and Taiwan also occurred phone tapping controversy Politically. We must think in the premise of safeguarding national security, whether excessive violations of human rights. Use of monitoring equipment, originated in invention of technological equipment. The present day, everything is connected to the network information, in order to protect national security, each of our behavior seems to be uncovered to spread under the sunlight.In recent years, began to promote the basic rights of the people. In the twentieth century, the United States was the first country to "privacy" seriously, "privacy" was interpreted as a kind of "the right to be let alone", we can not give up privacy for national security. We use the way of monitoring, surveillance and search network information, In order to achieve the purpose of criminal investigation and safeguarding national security, whether it will conflict between monitoring equipment and National Security, the reason is that the purpose of the use of the product. When we use on the legitimate, although the violation of basic rights of the people, based on a measure of national public interest, such an approach should be accepted. People have become accustomed to rely on high-tech products. Absolutely impossible to prevent data to be theft or to avoid unauthorized use of doubts, then Abandon to use, Let yourself return to primitive life(NO TECHNOLOGY LIFE) is difficult! When we use these devices, which is transferred to the privacy management technology equipment; Therefore, before using it should be possible to expect to be violated, the ultimate result of technological development is causing humans from nature. Views about the importance of privacy, people are not allowed to be infringement outside. But in fact, we often ignore the safety of self-protection, according to browse the internet and basic personal information registered through the internet platform, people usually do not go to peruse the contents of web pages for privacy, just because we are accustomed to the norm, we often forget the sense of self-protection; Government must establish clear legal and effective control and people's self-restraint, in order to stop the abuse of high-tech, and the use of equipment in proper purposes— the purpose of safeguarding national security. And now the three major technological equipment that is smart phones, monitors and Internet, These three technological equipment for the maintenance of global security, social and personal have great impact, we can't be ignored.


George Orwell.,萬仞譯,Nineteen Eighty-Four(台北市:印刻出版社,2009年6月出版)。
