  • 學位論文

代理商發展自有品牌之競合關係--以L 公司為例

The Coopetition about Agents Developing Own Brand --A Case Study of L Company

指導教授 : 林玟廷


控制閥是工業工程產業不可或缺的產品,國內控制閥業者主要是以替國際大廠代工之方式生產,部分較具規模的業者採用自有品牌的模式經營,也有部分公司是以代理進口國外品牌的方式經營,僅提供閥類產品銷售和維修服務,並未從事生產製造。普遍看來,國內業者受限於中小企業規模,同時在人才及資金不足下,難與既有的國際大廠競爭。 近年來隨著中國大陸經濟崛起、閥類產品需求增加,許多國際大廠挾技術優勢直接到大陸投資設廠,降低成本,也間接壓縮了台灣閥類相關廠商的利潤空間和市場。低毛利是促使許多代工廠商和代理商發展自有品牌的原因之一,一般而言,代理商推出自有品牌後會遭遇挑戰,除了面對其他廠牌的競爭外,與原代理的品牌商之間也會形成微妙的競合關係,原代理的品牌商是否會因為利益衝突而不顧多年的合作關係採取報復行動,以及自有品牌的產品策略,都是此研究探究的目的。 因此,本研究透過國內、外文獻探討與實際個案訪談,進行資料分析整理,探討個案的現象與理論之間的關連性,歸納出具體結論與建議。期望透過本研究彙整之成果,能對企業提供實務的貢獻與參考。


Control valve is an indispensable product for the industrial and engineering industry today. Most domestic manufacturers of control valves in Taiwan rely on OEM orders from large international vendors and some manufacturers with sizeable scale operate with its own brand. Others act as agents or dealers for internationally renowned brands and offers only sales or after-sales services for valve type products without engaging in any manufacturing activities. Generally, it is difficult for domestic small and medium enterprises to stay competitive with large international corporations due to the scale of its operation and lack of funding and talents. With the economic rise of China in recent years, the demand for valve-type products has increased significantly and many large international manufacturers have proceeded to invest in China with its technological advantages in order to reduce its cost, which has indirectly reduced the profit margin and market for many valve related manufacturers in Taiwan. Low gross profit is one reason that has induced many Taiwanese OEM manufacturers and agents to develop their own brand. In general, agents usually face many challenges after they have launched their own brand, such as competitions from other vendors and the subtle competitive/cooperative co-existing relationship with the original brand of distribution. Whether or not the original brand of distribution will engage in vengeful activities due to conflict of interest despite years of cooperation and the product strategy for the new brand, are all subjects that this research would like to explore. Therefore, this research will organize and analyze the data collected through review of domestic and foreign documents and interviews of individual cases. The correlation between the phenomena of individual cases and theories will subsequently be discussed to formulate concrete conclusions and suggestions. It is hoped that through the results collated in this research practical contributions and references can be provided for businesses.


張鐵軍、吳銘祥與林嵩林,2010。台灣中小企業品牌建立歷程關鍵因素之研究。2010 第十一屆管理學域國際學術研討會論文集
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