  • 學位論文

國族意識與媒體論述事件─以1980 年代 音樂人侯德健潛赴大陸為例

The National Consciousness and Media Discourse Events─ The Case of Songwriter Hou Dejian’s Return to Chian in 1980s.

指導教授 : 唐士哲


本研究以 1983 年侯德健潛赴大陸事件為個案,分析當時的平面媒體─主流報紙及黨外政論雜誌,對於該事件的報導與評論,並依此探索媒介論述與國族主義建構的過程。本文引介批判論述分析學者Norman Fairclough 社會分析的三層架構:社會事件、社會實踐及社會結構,以彰顯不同政治光譜的媒體報導與評論的論述實踐、背後意識形態及其所再現的社會面貌。研究發現,侯德健赴大陸後,不同媒體的論述內涵,展現了戒嚴時期政治控制程度所造成的再現差異。主流紙媒在事件發生初期普遍輕描淡寫,意圖將侯德健的出走個人動機化,避談背後涉及的國族認同情結。然而,我們仍可以發現少數隱含「異議」的論述,遊走在觸及統治集團敏感神經的邊緣。而黨外雜誌則對於侯德健的認同情結有較多的著墨,但由此情結所引發的國族認同爭議,則摻雜了中國意識與台灣主體認同的複雜情 感,這也反映1980 年代台灣意識建構過程的特殊性。


This study focuses on media discourses and the construction of nationalism,through analyzing how mainstream newspapers and Tangwai magazines (黨外雜誌) report “Hou Dejian’s return to China in 1983”. In order to highlight different political tendency of news, ideology, and social context through media’s discourses, this study apples Fairclough’s three levels of social analysis: social events, social practices, and social structures. The thesis suggests that their representation of this event was various due to the unequal degree of political control between mainstream newspapers and Tangwai magazines in the period of martial law. At the beginning of this event, mainstream newspapers generally understated Hou’s return. They tended to personalize the motivation of Hou’s return, and avoided mentioning the complex of his national identity. Still some “different” media discourses between newspapers, walks on the edge of government’s sensitive nerve. On the contrary, Tangwai magazines used a lot of space to discuss Hou’s national identity complex, and the complex resulted in the complicated emotions of national identity between Chinese Consciousness (中國意識) and Taiwanese Consciousness (台灣意識). These show the particularity of the construction of Taiwanese Consciousness in 1980s.


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