  • 學位論文


A Comparison Study on the Business Regulation and Supervision of Foreign Banks in Taiwan and Mainland China

指導教授 : 王志誠


在面對融資困難之際,本研究對於兩岸銀行業務開放抱持著樂觀態度,尤其是中小型台商更是相當期盼台資銀行儘速赴大陸提供服務。然而,融資困難度愈高且資本額愈小的台商,對台資銀行的偏好程度愈高,反之則對陸資或外資銀行較為青睞,顯示台資銀行赴大陸營運較難以爭取優質大型台商客戶。除此之外,大型台商在選擇往來銀行之時,最重視的仍是銀行能否提供更具吸引力的融資條件,包括融資利率較低、授信額度較高,且融資來源必須相當穩定。至於中小型台商則因本身條件較差,因此與銀行往來之時較無法在融資條件上議價,而其傾向與台資銀行大陸子(分)行往來,乃著眼於雙方較高之熟悉度,及台資銀行良好的服務態度。綜上,台資銀行赴大陸營業時,便須根據其目標市場的不同需求加以調整競爭策略。 另外,台資銀行赴大陸營運之目標區域,無論短期或長期皆以長三角地區為主,達64%,此地區雖為台商聚集之處,但亦是各界金融機構激烈競爭之地,台資銀行若爭先恐後進入該地區,亦將淪於殺價競爭。除此之外,台資銀行大陸分行短期內仍無法任意承作人民幣業務,但此業務又是台商當前最需要的融資幣別,是以台資銀行之競爭力在此條件下將有所限制。 台資銀行雖對兩岸銀行業務開放充滿期待,且認為有助其獲利增加,但亦擔憂許多威脅與風險之發生。其中包括大陸政策法令繁雜多變,可能對台資銀行業務經營造成侷限,且擔保品的追索亦可能成為往後之貸放困擾;聯徵資訊開放後,可能增進陸資銀行對台商的瞭解程度,進而使台資銀行流失台商客戶。因此,台資銀行認為國內政府針對陸資銀行進入台灣營運,應抱持有秩序開放的原則;而在聯徵資訊方面,亦應評估雙方聯徵資訊之品質,並依對等原則開放。 關鍵字:台灣外資銀行、中國外資銀行、外資銀行業務規範


According to study in China, SME Taiwanese companies in China incur more financing difficulties than larger ones for that the former have smaller operating scale and opaque financial performance. In addition, China banks require companies should repay loans every year in pre-scheduled time, and then banks would lend them the amount for next year afterwards. This operating mechanism makes Taiwanese companies in China with fund procurement problems, and they are compelled to divide their loans with different repayment dates to avoid liquidity risk. Moreover, the lending amount by Taiwanese companies in China from OBU or foreign banks are limited by the difference between approved investments and registered capital. Furthermore, financial policies in China change frequently and different institutions may have varied explanations for the same policy. Factors mentioned above all result in higher financing risk for Taiwanese companies in China. Regarding Taiwanese banks’ target region after their entrance to China, 64% of them choose Yangtze River Delta Region no matter it is short term or long term. Taiwanese companies in China could be found everywhere in this region. However, there are also plenty of financial institutions there. Confronted with fierce competition, Taiwanese banks would be caught in price reduction contention. In addition, branches of Taiwanese banks in China couldn’t make RMB loans at will in short term, but these are the urgent demand of Taiwanese companies in China. The competitiveness of Taiwanese banks would be constrained on such a limitation. Although Taiwanese banks have been looking forward to loosening restrictions on cross-strait banking business and thinking that their revenue would increase, they also worry about potential threat and risk. In particular, financial policies in China are highly changeable, which could cause constraints on Taiwanese banks’ operation, while uncertainty regarding the recourse of collateral could become obstruction when making loans afterwards. Moreover, banks of the mainland China may become more familiar with Taiwanese companies in China after the release of joint credit information of the corporations and persons in Taiwan, which leads Taiwanese banks to worry about losing customers more easily. Hence, Taiwanese banks prefer Taiwan Government to insist on the principle of orderly release regarding the entrance of China Banks to Taiwan. Moreover, about the release of credit information, Taiwanese banks suggest that Taiwan Government should assess information quality belong to both sides, and release credit information reciprocally. Key words:Foreign banks in Taiwan, Foreign banks in Mainland China, Foreign bank business regulation.




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