  • 學位論文

框架的魅力 – 框架使低環境意識的人更環保

The Charming of Framing – It makes Low Environmental Concern People more Conservative

指導教授 : 莊世杰


研究目的:為了鼓勵親環境行為,本研究採用框架與環境認同威脅做為干預策略,試圖透過說服溝通來促進行為朝向永續發展的方向改變。 研究方法:本研究使用四個混合調查與實驗的受測者間設計(mixed survey-experimental between-participant design),包含兩對1 (環境關懷) x 2 (框架︰正向/負向 vs. 控制) 與 1 (環境關懷) x 2 (框架︰正向/負向 vs. 控制) x 2 (個人/社會環境認同威脅︰有vs. 沒有)的實驗以檢視研究假設。 研究結果:基於人們的環境行為會因環境關懷程度的差異而不同的假設,本研究的實驗一與二証實,當人們接受框架訊息時,環境關懷程度的影響會被抵消,環境行為因而受到環境關懷與框架訊息的交互作用影響。進一步實驗三證實,加入環境認同感威脅(即個人被認為不環保)足以抵消此交互作用;最後實驗四,將威脅轉向現行環保措施(即認為現行環保措施乃無益於環境),結果與實驗三相同。 實務意涵:環境品質在很大程度上取決於人們的行為模式。然而,儘管人們總宣稱自己對永續觀光的認同,卻只有少數遊客會真正採取負責任的環境行為。本研究最後建議,整合環境關懷與框架訊息是促進親環境行為有效的策略,但當愛護環境的價值受到挑戰時,框架與環境意識的交互作用會被抵消。因此行銷者應注意此兩種策略的交互使用,並避免同時進行。 原創性與價值:環境關懷程度較低的人通常也是最需要環境教育的人。本研究為促進親環境行為提出一個更快速且有效率的方法,即透過捷思,而無須強化人們的環境意識與環境知識。同時,本研究也提醒了環境認同威脅對於框架干預策略具有破壞的力量。


Purpose -- This study aims to investigate the moderating role of framing and environmental identity threat on environmental concern to behavioral changes, for the attempt to promote pro-environmental behavior through intervention strategies of persuasive communications Research Design – Four experiments were employed by a mixed survey- experimental design to test research hypotheses, including two pairs of 1 (environmental concern) x 2 (framing: positive/negative vs. control) and 1 (environmental concern) x 2 (framing: positive/negative vs. control) x 2 (personal/societal environmental identity threat: yes vs. no) between-participant design. Findings -- Based on the proposition that people’s environmental behavior is different due to the level of their environmental concern, the present study provides evidences that the effect of environmental concern will be attenuated by adding framing message and behavior is then influenced by the interaction of environmental concern and framing. Further, this interaction will be destroyed by threatening one’s personal or societal environmental identity. Practical Implications -- Environmental quality strongly depends on human behavior patterns. It is then proved that environmental behavior can be changed by the manipulation of framing; however, environmental identity threat will destroy this manipulation. Marketers should avoid using both strategies simultaneously but reciprocally. Originality/value – People with lower environmental concern are those most needing environmental education. This study offers a quicker and more efficient way to encourage pro-environmental behavior through heuristics without enhancement of environmental awareness and knowledge. Besides, it also reminds the power of condemnation to destroy the effectiveness of framing intervention strategy.


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