  • 學位論文


A Study of Fire Rescue and Safety Management-The Case of Yunlin County Fire Bureau

指導教授 : 蔡育岱


科技日新月異的時代下,由於建築物種類、型態多樣化,所致生之火災樣態呈現多變性,火災搶救不再是僅以消防人力將火勢撲滅而已,而是逐漸演變成一門高深的學問。 近年來,消防人員執行火災搶救任務英勇殉職於火災現場之悲劇不斷上演,同僚與眷屬悲痛之情無不撼動人心、舉國同悲。加上資訊全球化、消防專業化,消防人員所涉獵的領域越來越廣泛,火災搶救與火場安全管理等體制層面趨於專業且細膩,因此專家學者針對上述層面執行利弊所提出的建議,使得各縣市消防局日益重視此類議題,進而研究、分析及擬定相關策進作為與因應措施。 筆者於本份論文欲以分析火災搶救與火場安全管理等相關文獻資料,並透過歷史回顧雲林縣所轄發生之火災搶救案例與分析策進,據以提出符合雲林縣消防局現有消防人力與現行指揮、管理體制下之火災搶救、消防戰術及火場安全管理等研究心得與政策建議,俾利強化消防戰力及確保火場救災安全。


In the ever-changing technology era, due to the variety of the type of buildings, the pattern of fire disaster presents diversity. Nowadays, fire rescue is not only putting out the fire, but also gradually changing into a complicated science. In recent years, the tragedy, that the firefighters sacrifice their lives in the fire rescue mission, always happens. Such sorrow of their colleagues and families breaks our heart so deeply. Moreover, due to globalization of information and specialization of fire rescue, the spectrum of subjects that the firefighters have to study is wider and wider. The knowledge such as fire rescue and the management of safety in blazes tends to more professional and more skilled, so specialists have to give some advices to our government for improving the disadvantage of the above system, which makes the fire departments in each county pay more attention to this kind of issue. Therefore, they will do more studies, more analysis and make more appropriate strategy. In this paper, author wants to analyze the relevant literature of fire rescue and safety management. At the same time, learning from the cases in Yunlin County, try to propose some appropriate advices and suggestion for fire rescue, fire tactics and safety management so that we can improve our ability of fire rescue and ensure our safety in blazes.


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