  • 學位論文


China’s Counter-Terrorism Strategy after American Nine-eleven event - Probe into Counter-Terrorism of East Turkestan Islamic Movement

指導教授 : 林泰和


911恐怖攻擊事件後,讓原自信本土不會受外力攻擊的美國改觀,且美國國家安全政策面臨前所未有的重大挑戰。因此,美國為避免再次受到恐怖組織的威脅與襲擊,必需調整國家安全戰略方針,以適應國際局勢的變化。在布希執政堅持大國單邊主義的外交政策,保留先制攻擊的權力。2008年美國政黨輪替歐巴馬上任,在國家重要會議與安全戰略報告中,仍將反恐等全球安全議題列為優先執行項目,且在2011年5月於巴基斯坦成功狙殺蓋達首腦賓拉登,但也因此恐怖組織的時代轉變為由伊斯蘭國(IS)主導。 冷戰後恐怖主義愈演愈烈,恐怖組織不斷朝著組織化、制度化的方向發展。中國境內東突組織開始活躍並與國際接軌,中國逐漸正視東突的影響,並順勢搭上美國反恐列車,藉反恐之名對境內分離主義份子展開反制,因應國際新格局與國安需求時,運用其改革開放後整體國力的崛起,躋身國際要角,使美國、俄羅斯等大國無法忽視其影響力。中國更掌握此戰略機遇期,以反恐為名實際拓展國際影響力,包括東北亞、東南亞、中亞及中東等反恐議題的協調與合作,更多次在國際場合,提出與美國不同之反恐理念,藉此展現大國實力。 本文著重在911事件後中國因應美國反恐戰略調整,針對東突恐怖組織產生的原因、危害以及中國打擊東突恐怖組織的對策等做深入的研究分析。面臨著境外恐怖主義的威脅,境內的恐怖主義活動也愈演愈烈的趨勢,中國如何在國際觀注的目光下,改善國家恐怖主義之名,創造有利於中國的國際國內環境。


After U.S. was attacked by terrorist on 11 September 2001, U.S. national security policy was faced significant challenge. It’s also broken the faith that U.S. homeland will not be attacked. Therefore, U.S. must adjust the National Security Strategy to adapt the international situation change if they try to avoid the threat and attack from the terrorism. On the principle of "Bush doctrine", U.S. insists "unilateralism" foreign policy and maintains "pre-emptive strike" power. After the Obama administration tookoffice in 2008, anti-terrorism will become U.S. priority issue of global security while they implement a number of important meetings and the National Security Strategy report. On May 2, 2011 Osama bin Laden was killed by U.S. Naval Special Warfare Development Group. Since then terrorist organizations lead by Islamic State. After the Cold War intensified terrorism, terrorist organizations continue to move organized and institutionalized.In Chinese territory All kinds of terrorist activities have seriously undermined the national harmony of States, which greatly hampered the country. While China face U.S. change its National security strategy to adapt the new pattern of international situation and national security needs, China must use the rise of overall national strength to become international key player. Meanwhile, U.S. and Russia will not ignore any ideas which come from China. China will use the name of fighting terrorism to master this "period of strategic opportunities" and to expand of international influence. Those include coordination and cooperation in Northeast Asia,Southeast Asia, Central Asia and the Middle East anti-terrorism issues. In the international situation, China also has different ideas of anti-terrorism with U.S. because it can show the strength of a big country. Therefore, the study will focus on how China respond to U.S. after she adjust Counter-Terrorism strategy. The East Turkistan terrorist organization, as the research object, detailed analysis the causes, hazards of East Turkistan terrorism and China government fight against East Turkistan measures and countermeasures. Strengthen international cooperation. And also strengthen domestic anti-terrorism legislation which provide legal protection for the anti-terrorism work.


孟鴻,「平心靜氣看新疆、西藏事件」,中國邊政,第一百七十四期(2008年4月) ,頁1-36。
