  • 學位論文


Personal Narratives of Five-year-old Children

指導教授 : 曾玉村


本研究旨在暸解幼兒園中不同語文能力的一般幼兒敘說內涵差異。以同一班級中的大班幼兒為研究對象,藉由修訂畢保德圖畫詞彙測驗為語文能力分組依據將幼兒分為兩組共14名,蒐集幼兒在班級分享時間的自發性生活經驗敘說文本,並挑選研究對象最長的2則敘說進行分析。 本研究參考McCabe & Bliss (2003) 所發展的敘說評定量表(Narrative Assessment Profile,簡稱NAP)以及Peterson & McCabe(1983)提出的高潮分析法(high point analysis)中的敘說結構模式來分析敘說文本的敘說結構要素與敘說結構模式。茲將本研究重要發現分別說明如下: 一、在敘說結構要素方面,兩組幼兒差異程度由大至小依序為:背景、連繫詞、合理性、主題維持、指涉。低語文能力組幼兒在敘說中提供的資訊量較少,且話題前後的連貫性也較差,另外,低語文能力組幼兒出現錯誤使用代名詞的機率較高語文能力組高。而兩組幼兒在評價要素上並未有顯著差異。 二、在敘說結構模式方面,高語文能力組以「典型模式」居多,低語文能力組出現「典型模式」和「貧乏式」的次數一樣多,其次是「跳躍式」,亦有出現「雜述式」敘說。高語文能力組幼兒多能依照時間順序描述生活經驗,低語文能力組相較之下邏輯與時間概念較弱。低語文能力組幼兒的組織脈絡能力、正確使用連繫詞和指示代名詞的能力以及各項描述性詞彙的豐富度較高語文能力組幼兒不佳,使得敘說模式多為單薄缺乏高潮事件的「貧乏式」敘說。此外,低語文能力組的幼兒敘說中亦出現「典型敘說」文本,提醒我們要以更細微的角度暸解幼兒敘說的質與量。 最後依據研究結果提供教師、家長教學與輔導之參考並提出對未來研究之建議。


This research aims at understanding the differences in narrative intention between different language abilities at kindergartens. Take five-year-old children in the same class as research participants, through Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised as language abilities basis to divide fourteen children into two groups, to collect children’s spontaneous life experience narrative text at the sharing time in the class, then choose two longest narrations in research participants to analyze. This research consulted Narrative Assessment Profile from McCabe & Bliss (2003) and the mode of narrative structure in high point analysis from Peterson & McCabe(1983) to analyze the contents of narrative structure of narrative text and the mode of narrative structure. The followings are the important discoveries in this research: 1.For the factors of narrative structure, the different level from the greatest to the smallest in sequence there are: background information, conjunctive cohesion, reasonableness, topic maintenance, referencing. Children in low-level language ability group provide less information in narration, and the coherence of the topic from the beginning to the end is disappointing, on the other hand, the probability of using wrong pronouns in low-level group children is higher than the children in high-level group. are no noticeable differences on evaluative element in these two groups. 2. On the narrative structure mode perspective, Classic pattern exists in high-level language ability group mostly, and Classic pattern exists in the low-level language ability group as much as Impoverished pattern, then it also exists Leap-frogging pattern and Disoriented pattern. Most children in high-level language ability group can describe their life experiences chronologically, and children in low-level language ability group have weaker sense of logic and time. children in low-level language ability group have weaker organized ability, and can’t use conjunction, demonstrative pronoun properly which makes narrative mode to become Impoverished patterns lacking in high point events. On the other hand, children in low-level language ability group also appear typical model text to reminding us that we need to understand the quality and quantity more specifically in children narrative. Then propose further advices for teachers, parents in teaching and consulting according to the research results.


