  • 學位論文

Spreading on Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Networks

Spreading on Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Networks

指導教授 : 潘瑋


在這社會中,每一件事都是環環相扣如同網路一樣,沒有任何一個人可以完全與政治、病毒、遺傳、信仰等行為不相干的,而網路就是將彼此連接的集合。 本論文是以一個群體,其內部有兩大意見、基因或病毒存在時,當群體有限大時,經由多次交換,其中一邊必定會消失。而群體中的每個節點所擁有的意見、基因、病毒是以隨機分布做為初始條件,並且這些意見、基因、病毒沒有好與壞之分,在沒有突變、內部交換、天擇、死亡等因素下進行交換。因此我們設計出同質網路與異質網路,經由改變其連接數,找出最快讓意見、基因、病毒消失的結構。 在目前已知網路系統中,冪次網路是最快讓多樣性消失的網路結構。本研究發現,小世界網路、隨機網路與我們設計的同質網路的多樣性消失回合數非常相近,都是屬於比較慢讓多樣性消失的網路,而冪次網路與我們設計的異質網路,其多樣性消失回合數會比同質網路快很多,並且找到我們設計的異質網路結構在某些範圍,其多樣性消失的回合數會比冪次網路更快。


同質網路 異質網路


In the society, everything is linked together like a network, as no one can be completely irrelevant to politics, virus, genetic and religion, while the network is a collection of connecting to each other. This dissertation was based on a group with limited conditions. When the group had two opinions, genes or virus, one would definitely disappear through the internal exchange. In the currently network systems, the power law network is the fastest to cause diversity disappear. We found out that the number of diversity disappeared of the small world network, random network, and design homogenous network were similar. The diversity of power law network, design heterogeneous network would vanish much more faster than homogeneous network. Than we found that if heterogeneous network in some ranges, the diversity would disappeared faster than power law network.


[3]Duncan J.watts,博士哲、謝良瑜合譯,"六個人的小世界",大塊文化,2004,