  • 學位論文


Deposition of Organic Dyes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell by Using Matrix-Assisted Pulsed Laser Evaporation

指導教授 : 陳賜原 林俊元


染料敏化太陽能電池(Dye sensitized solar cell,DSSC) 作為潛在的傳統太陽能電池的低價替代品,不僅環保同時目前光電轉換效率已達14%。目前大多研究皆利用浸泡的方式使染料吸附著在TiO2的-OH基上,藉此提高太陽能電池的吸收波段。為了除去染料分子在浸泡過程中溶劑造成的影響,同時對利用雷射蒸鍍有機材料的能力進行分析。本研究探討利用基質輔助脈衝雷射蒸鍍法(Matrix assisted pulse laser evaporation,MAPLE),取代一般傳統浸泡法。本實驗欲探討三種差異性較大的染料分子,一為傳統使用釕金屬錯合物當成捕捉光子的染料,在工業表現上,具有高度穩定性。其次黑色素奈米顆粒,研究發現其具備幾個條件可以做為捕捉光子的染料,且黑色素來源容易、製作成本低、具有紫外光到可見光的寬頻吸收帶,更符合近幾年來提倡的綠色能源產業。其三為近幾年研究出紫質染料,在DSSC效率上有突破性的發展。   研究皆已sol-gel法製備二氧化鈦醬料,以網印法製作光電極,並分別對不同染料用浸泡法及基質輔助脈衝雷射蒸鍍法吸附在二氧化鈦上,電解液使用I-/I3-溶解以乙腈中,對電極用塗佈的方式製備鉑的薄膜,再以AM 1.5(100 mW/cm2)的太陽光模擬器量測效率。本研究成功以基質輔助脈衝雷射法蒸鍍染料分子在TiO2表面上,並對不同種類染料分子的可行性進行討論。   此外,對先前利用黑色素為染料敏化太陽能電池染料的可行性,發現黑色素在浸泡法上本身具備其性質上不符合染料使用的問題,並對先前研究提出的黑色素成分及電性做分析。


Solar cell is by far the most promising candidate for providing a clean and sustainable energy, since it is more likely sufficient to replace fossil fuels. Compared to silicon-based solar cell, dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) has the potential advantages of flexibility, light weight, and low cost.   The photon-to-current energy conversion efficiency of DSSC is mainly determined by the photoanode consisting of dye photosensitizer dispersed on the internal surface of a nanoporous TiO2 (or others) support serving as an electron transporter. Currently, the main method for depositing dye onto the nanoporous support is by chemisorption of the dye molecules during immersion of the support in a solution of the dye. Matrix-assisted pulsed laser evaporation (MAPLE) is a variant of pulsed laser deposition modified for depositing organic materials.   This research uses the P90 titanium dioxide by the screen printing method for the electrode. We deposit melanin on the titanium dioxide by using Matrix-assisted pulsed laser evaporation (MAPLE) and then the electrolyte is I-/I3- dissolved in acetonitrile. We use the electrode preparation platinum thin film for counter electrode and then use solar simulator to measure efficiency at AM 1.5 (100 mW/cm2). We successfully deposit dye molecules on TiO2 surface and apply on DSSC. We also to make discussion on the feasibility to use different kinds of dyes.   In addition ,the previous study used melanin on DSSC ,then found some questions. We will discuss on feasibility to use melanin dye on DSSC.




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