  • 學位論文


The presentation of character strengths and virtues in the Chinese junior high school textbooks

指導教授 : 王雅玄


本研究旨在探討在十二年國教課程實施中品格教育的意涵。在方法論上,本研究採用內容分析法,研究對象為翰林版一到六冊國中國文教科書,並以Seligman正向心理學的理論作為類目編碼的基礎,分析教科書中的內容。本研究的研究問題有三:(一)翰林版國中國文教科書內容中,美德與品格優勢的分布情形及各類目融入之比例為何?(二)翰林版國中國文教科書內容中,在各學習年段間,各類目間分布之差異性為何?(三)翰林版國中國文教科書中,如何書寫各類目的特點?與十二年國教課綱課程總目標的建議關聯為何?本研究的研究結果如下: 翰林版國中國文第一到第六冊教科書中,涵蓋所有正向心理學之美德與品格優勢。在六項主類目中,出現次數最多的是「心靈的超越性」,最少的是「正義」。十四項次類目中,出現次數最多的品格優勢為「美與卓越的欣賞」,最少的是「領導力」。 依各年段而言,三個年級出現次數最多的美德皆為「心靈的超越性」,其次為「智慧與知識」,最少的都是「正義」。然而,一年級與二年級出現次數最多的品格優勢皆為「美與卓越的欣賞」,三年級則是「洞察力」。二年級出現所有的品格優勢,一年級完全沒有出現的品格優勢為「公平」和「領導力」,三年級完全沒有出現的品格優勢為「寬恕與慈悲」。 質性方面,美德與品格優勢在翰林版國中國文教科書中,研究發現,翰林版國中國文教科書中包含正向心理學理論中所具備的核心德目。透過詮釋,「智慧與知識」可細分為「創意聯想」、「詩詞創作」、「實體創作」、「另類創作」、「對大自然或人為環境好奇」、「對問題或真相好奇」、「對自己和他人的內外在好奇」、「尊重他人」、「多元思考」、「心境轉變」、「喜好學習的精神」、「喜好學習知識」以及「喜好學習技能」、「給人建議」、「就事而論」以及「引述經典」等十六種細項;「勇氣」可細分為「待人誠懇」、「說話實在」、「做事負責」、「表裡如一」、「不怕威脅、挑戰、困難、痛苦」、「勇於說該說的話」、「堅決做對的事」、「堅毅的精神」、「技巧方面的堅毅」、「生活方面的堅毅」、「熱情的重要」、「對事熱情」以及「移情作用」等十三種細項;「人道與愛」可細分為「親情之愛」、「友情之愛」、「愛情之愛」、「有特定對象的仁慈」、「無特定對象的仁慈」、「非人的仁慈」、「覺察自己感受而依差異應對者」以及「覺察他人感受而依差異應對者」等八種細項;「正義」可細分為「執法公平」、「分配公平」、「領導者的心態」、「獨裁式領導」、「價值領導」、「從合作到團隊合作」以及「團隊合作」等七種細項;「節制」可細分為「寬恕的精神」、「寬恕他人」、「謙遜的精神」、「謙遜的言語」、「謙遜的行為」、「因靈性而謙遜」、「審慎的精神」、「慎言」、「慎決」、「慎行」、「約束自身感覺」以及「約束自身行為」等十二種細項;「心靈的超越性」可細分為「物質或自然的美」、「技巧與才能的欣賞」、「德行或道德善的欣賞」、「個人感恩」、「超個人感恩」、「自我期許」、「期許他人」、「表現風趣」、「給人歡笑」、「樂觀思考」、「虔心信仰」以及「心靈成長」等十二種細項。   各種德目在教科書中的數量與呈現方式不一,表示品格教育的意涵在語文領域中具備多元性及詮釋的必要性,這個現象給予教師詮釋教科書內容的空間,以培養學生批判思考的能力。雖然課程超越期待的成果,卻也提供一種反思,說明官方道德教育的實施的風險與效率。 關鍵字:國中國文教科書、美德與品格優勢、內容分析


This study aims to discuss the character strengths and virtues applied in the K-12 curriculum. Methodologically, content analysis is conducted to analysis the junior high school Chinese textbooks over 1-3 years (6 volumes/ Han-lin press). Based on Silgman’s positive psychological classification, this research coded the content of textbooks into categories with the regard of the following research questions: 1) the distribution and presentation of the character strengths and virtues in the content of Chinese textbooks of the junior level (vol. 1 to 6)? 2) If there is any difference of each main categories and sub-categories in textbooks of each grade? 3) What describe characteristicof character and virtues in textbook?This study concludes: I) The textbooks, over volume one to six, of the Chinese textbooks of junior high level (Han-lin press) conveyed all the character of strengths and virtues according to the definition of positive psychology. Amongst those six categories, the presentation of ‘transcendence’ appeared most frequently, and ‘justice’ is the least. In the twenty-four sub-categories, ‘appreciation’ of beauty and excellent is the most frequent appeared item, while the ‘leadership’ is the least. In the six main categories of three grades, ‘transcendence’ appeared most frequently, ‘wisdom’ and ‘knowledge’ is the second, and ‘justice’ is the least. II) In each grade, appreciation of beauty and excellence is most frequent item in grade one and two, and ‘perspective’ is in grade three. Although the twenty-four sub-categories appeared in grade two, ‘fairness’ and ‘leadership’ were absent in grade one, and ‘forgiveness’ and ‘mercy’ absent in the three. According to the findings, the content Han-lin press junior high school Chinese textbooks represented the idea of value according to the theoretical perspective of positive psychology theory.Through interpretation,”wisdom and knowledge”will subdivision sixteen particulars:” Creative association”, ” Poetry Writing”, ”create entity”, ” alternative creation”, ”feel curious with nature or artificial environment”, ”feel curious with question and truth”, ”feel curious with internal and external of others or own”, ” respect each other”, ” multiple reflections”, ” mood change”, ”spirit of love learning”, ”love learning knowledge”, ”love learing skill”, ”give recommendation”, ”matter of fact”, ”quote classics”;”courage”will subdivision thirteen particulars:” sincere others”, ”speak really”, ”be responsible for things”, ” biaoliruyi”, ”not afraid of threat,challenge,difficult and pain”, ”brave speak really”, ”doing right things”, ”spirit of perseverance”, ” perseverance of skill”, ” Perseverance of life”, ”importance of zest”, ”doing things with zest”, ”empathy” ;”humanity and love”will subdivision eight particulars:”love of family”, ”love of friendship”, ”love of love”, ”kindness with specific object”, ”kindness with non-specific object ”, ” inhuman kindness”, ”aware own feeling and savoir-faire”, ” aware others feeling and savoir-faire”,; ”justice”will subdivision seven particulars: ”enforce the law fair”, ” equitable distribution”, ”leaders mind”, ” autocratic leadership”, ” value Leadership”, ”from cooperation to teamwork”, ”teamwork”; ”temperance”will subdivision twelve particulars:”spirt of forgiveness”, ”forgive others”, ”spirt of humble”, ”humble speech”, ”humble act”, ”humble with spirituality”, ”spirit of prudence”, ” prudence speak”, ” prudence think”, ” prudence act”, ”constraint own feeling”, ” constraint own act”; ”transcendence”will subdivision twelve particulars:”beauty of substance or nature”, ”appreciate skill and wisdom”, ”express virtues and moral goodness”, ”personal gratitude”, ”transpersonal gratitude”, ”self expectations”, ”expecte others”, ”express funny”, ”give person laugh”, ”think positive”, ”sincere”, ” spiritual growth”. Nevertheless, those contents still have grey area which enable teachers to interpret those flexibly. Perhaps, teachers can guide students to think about the content in a critical way which is beyond the official expectations; simultaneously, this is also the risk challenging the efficiency of virtue education expected by the state. Keywords:The textbook of junior high school, character strengths and virtues, content analysis.


