  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 魏惠娟


本研究探討高齡文化導覽志工於博物館從事導覽解說之經驗暨其自我導向學習之經驗。在方法論層次,採Saukko文化研究方法論中的「三角檢證法典範」。研究方法採質化研究的參與觀察法及深度訪談法,採取立意抽樣六位六十歲以上高齡之兩年以上導覽經驗的現任導覽志工,其抽樣之專家內心目的在遴選導覽口述精彩之「玩家型」導覽志工。研究場域在「有固定藏品之展館」及「文化古蹟型」之博物館各一,即台灣歷史博物館(台史博)及獄政博物館(獄博館),兩處各擇三位志工以作研究對象。 本研究之理論架構採Guglielmino的自我導向學習理論,分四要素探討,其中結果要素並酌採Merriam和Caffarella觀點。研究結果發現: 一、本質要素 在領薪工作上,皆依靠口語表達之長才而從事。 在求學經驗上,屬基本學歷型。 在志工經驗上,皆擔任數種志工,且絕大多數屬文化導覽志工。 二、人格要素 (一)、開放的學習 1、不只主展館內,也包括次要展館,甚至是場館外皆可為學習空間。 2、不僅是事前準備之導覽內容,也包含您問我答的即席應對所獲得之學習。 (二)、有效學習者的自我概念 1、最重要在實際導覽時,即應告訴自己是最棒的,無論來者何人皆如是。 2、其次,行有餘力,可再輔以自己既有優勢,續行加強。 (三)、獨立進取的學習 1、有捨有得的學習過程亦可見其獨立進取,故不得以偏概全驟認放棄某領域的學習,便無獨立學習。 2、環境困厄並非必然阻擋學習,有時反成激勵條件。 (四)、責任感 會引動志工對歷史或法治守紀等探討及思考。 (五)、喜好學習 喜好學習會自然放棄諸如電視、聊天等娛樂,並樂在其中。 (六)、創造力 許多創造力可由導覽得見,如導覽開場白及對特殊團體之導覽。 (七)、前瞻性 此可補強博物館「來者是客,歡迎光臨」的思維。另它與創造力息息相關。 (八)、有能力去使用基本的研究與解決問題的技巧 例如導覽時間在現行博物館常受限,故要調配哪些要導覽及要各自分配多少時間。 三、過程要素 由博物館帶來的影響,有些不問自明,有些隱晦難辨。另外,制度面有些會協助,也有些則阻礙志工導覽。 四、結果要素 (一)、在一般表現,若自我導向學習傾向低,易將導覽內容定型,使內藏知識固化,致不復更動之弊! 反之,可將導覽內容昇華致眾皆曰讚之境。 (二)、在最高理想,於學習反思上,可體會到學習做人與做學問往往互通。另於社會互動上,則會藉由博物館導覽,而理性宣導理念予小群體遊客。


This study explores the guiding process and self-directed learning of elder voluntary docents in museums with triangulation in Saukko's cultural research methodology. By participant observation and in-depth interview in qualitative researches, the purposely samplings are six voluntary docents with ages of sixty or older, and two years or more experiences of docents. The research fields are National Museum of Taiwan History, which holds regular exhibitions and The Prison Museum, a cultural historical spot and the six research subjects are selected from the two museums with three of each. The theory of self-directed learning, developed by Guglielmino, is adopted in this study. There are four elements in this theory, in which the opinions of Merriam and Carrarella are also discussed for the element of result. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. Substantial elements: The prior employment of these research subjects is based on oral expression. The educational degree of these subjects is regular degree. These subjects all take on more than one voluntary work, and most of work is being a cultural docents. 2 . Personality elements: (1) Opening learning A. Learning occurs both inside and outside of the museums. B. Learning is not only from the preparation for the tour, but also the Q&As of the visitors. (2) The self-concept of effective learners: A. Convincing himself/herself that “I am the best” while guiding a tour. B. Using self's strength and constant learning. (3) Independent and active learning A. Giving up some areas of learning is not equal to putting learning away. B. Sometimes difficulty is an encouragement rather than an obstruction in learning. (4) Sense of responsibility To encourage volunteers' thinking and exploration in history and regulations. (5) Being fond of learning Enjoyment of learning will keep the volunteers away from TV programs, chatting with others, and so on. (6) Creativity Creativity can be seen everywhere, such as the beginning of introduction, guiding people with special needs and so on. (7)Prospect (8) Ability to develop research and problem-solving skills. 3. Process element The influence from the museums some are clear, and the others are ambiguous. Besides, the systems in the museums may help or impede the guide of the docents. 4. Outcome element (1) The less self-directed learning , the more stereotype of the guide will be, and vice versa. (2) Ideally, the reflection of learning can promote the view that learning knowledge and interaction with others are sometimes in common. Some ideas can be interacted between the docents and visitors through the process of guiding.


self-directed learning docent volunteer museum elderly education elder senior


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