  • 學位論文

Byron Katie轉念作業運用過程中之洞察現象探究

The Insight Phenomena in Doing The Work of Byron Katie

指導教授 : 甘桂安


本研究旨在探究Byron Katie轉念作業運用過程中的洞察現象,以了解操作中洞察產生的脈絡以及洞察的內涵為何,並為心理諮商中關注的洞察經驗提供其他的洞察樣貌。本研究以質性研究法中之超驗現象學方法,透過半結構式訪談,訪問六名研究參與者並取得訪談資料後,按照超驗現象學方法進行資料的分析。本研究結論如下: 一、操作者在下列脈絡中獲得洞察:透過轉念作業的概念與探詢技術,特別是透過把主詞改為「我」的反向思考,將焦點返回自身;探問時沉浸、體會問句與反向思考的意涵,而非用原先的思維模式回答;接納自己的操作狀態,不指責自己轉不過去,亦不勉強操作;以誠實、勇氣、願意、相信的狀態操作轉念作業;操作者越是「看到自己」則越幫助「轉」動。 二、在操作者獲得洞察的經驗中,其洞察內容為:體驗來自自身的力量;接納他者與自己;體驗「愛」、「整合」;產生對轉念作業操作的「新理解」並據此操作;看見自己而有情緒狀態的移動、變換,這樣的看見包含(1)看見自己原先相信為「真」的事實其實為「假」、是誤解、是在「編故事」,與批評的對象無關,是出於自己的詮釋或過去內在的傷,而放下對對方的不滿,或從原先的狀態先暫時冷靜、停下;(2)看見自己的狀態或想法帶給他人或自身負向的影響,包括讓關係惡化、讓自己不快樂、讓自己憤怒不平靜,而鬆動、跨越或放下原先的不滿;(3)看見自己與批評對象其實是一樣的,而可以理解對方或鬆動、放下原先的不滿,或感到自己批評的苛刻而歉疚。 本研究結果對操作轉念作業者有以下意涵:操作者以深入體會且投入的狀態操作,以誠實、接納的態度面對內在批評的情緒,包括對轉念作業的批評,不自我防衛時,則能有所得;遇到操作困難、困惑時自我接納,毋須自我批判,可尋求書籍、工作坊、協導師,幫助化解操作困難。針對諮商實務工作者,本研究則有以下意涵:諮商工作者應留意不宜直接以認知治療的概念來理解轉念作業,兩者內涵不盡相同;若欲使用轉念作業之技術於晤談中,宜應用於自身操作並領會後,再應用於晤談中,可避免誤用;應用時,諮商師可留意當事人進行反向思考時,可能會出現自我批判,引導當事人回到體驗念頭如何帶給自己影響是重要的,如此能幫助當事人再從自我攻擊或負向的情緒中走出;諮商師以接納的態度協助當事人探問,不勉強或堅持當事人在當下一定要有所領悟。


超驗現象學 洞察 轉念作業


The study was aimed at exploring the insight phenomena in doing The Work of Byron Katie. The Work is a systematic method of gaining insight into one’s own thoughts. The purpose of the present study was to gain understanding of insights or insight events, including knowing under what circumstances insights occur and what the insights are about. The research adopted transcendental phenomenology. There were six participants engaging in the research and had their data provided through semi-structured interviews. The interview data was analyzed with phenomelogical methods and the results were shown as below: 1.Under these circumstances, the participants attained insights. The circumstances were: (1) Returning the focus back to oneself through the concepts and the inquiry skills of The Work, especially the “turn around” skill that turns the subject from the criticized one into “I”. (2) Doing inquiry as “into” one’s inside and devoting oneself to understanding the meaning of the “turn arounds” .(3) Embracing oneself’s states in doing The Work, rather than criticizing oneself for not doing well or unable to “turn around”. (4) Doing The Work with willingness and beliefs, and with honesty and courage to face one’s real emotions. (5) Already having the ability to aware one’s own states and having this in mind that instead of judging and criticizing others, the resolution roots in looking back at oneself. 2.The insight or insight events were about: (1) Experiencing that one can take control of one’s own life, feeling loved and supported by oneself. (2) Accepting and embracing oneself and others in terms of what they did, even mistakes they made. (3) Experiencing love in the relation with important others. (4) Feeling oneself completed and as a whole as opposed to feeling split and separated. (5) Attaining new understandings in how to do The Work. (6) Seeing that the “truth” oneself once believed was not true but just a “story” and then stopped criticizing or felt released. (7) Seeing that oneself’s own beliefs caused bad effects on oneself and others, and then could let go off those beliefs, or could pluck up the courage to face one’s own trauma; (8) Seeing that oneself was the same as the criticized one, and then could let go off, untie, understand the criticized one, or felt guilt for oneself’s unkindness in criticizing others.


