  • 學位論文


The Research on Hot Spring Hotel, Quality Service, Tourists’ Satisfaction and Loyalty of the Juisui Hot Springs Area

指導教授 : 段兆麟


本研究探討瑞穗溫泉特定區之溫泉旅館的服務品質對遊客的滿意度與忠誠度之分析。採問卷調查法,針對至瑞穗溫泉特定區之溫泉旅館的遊客進行施測,計取得有效樣本413份,並利用描述性統計分析、信度分析、單因子變異數分析、相關分析、IPA等統計方法進行資料分析,研究結果如下: 一、研究結果發現在十六項休閒遊憩動機中,排除生活壓力及焦慮一項為最顯著,其次為溫泉水質優良,再其次為增進家人或朋友的感情。 二、在遊客行前期望方面,遊客在行前最期待的服務品質為瑞穗溫泉特定區溫泉旅館的道路指標、停車場地點適宜、設備與舒適度、整體環境清潔、泡溫泉的空間。 三、遊客事後體驗方面,遊客在實際體驗後感到最滿意的項目為溫泉區內整體環境清潔、服務人員態度、停車地點適宜。 四、瑞穗溫泉特定區溫泉旅館應繼續保持的項目有停車場地點適宜、泡溫泉空間、整體環境清潔、服務人員態度、設備與舒適度、泡湯價 位、道路指標等項目。而在供給過度的項目為規模太小。在優先順序低的項目有優惠活動、餐飲價位、安全設施、餐飲新鮮度、餐飲視覺感受、餐飲美味度、遊客太多很擁擠等項目。在加強改善重點的項目有區內的告示解說牌之項目在瑞穗溫泉特定區溫泉旅館經營管理上都是應迅速加強改善的重點項目,以利提昇遊客的遊憩體驗。 五、建議應區隔瑞穗溫泉區與安通溫泉區的市場,瑞穗溫泉產業未來發展必須面臨的重要課題。而瑞穗溫泉特定區未來趨勢分述其重要方向如下:做好溫泉資源的保育與開發管理、開發新的遊客、區內的告示解說牌、加強行銷、戶外景觀的美化、研發溫泉美食與地方名產、遊客行為規範管理、加強環境衛生,和建立評鑑制度等。


The study discusses tourists’ satisfaction and loyalty on service quality of hot spring hotel in specific area of Juisui hot spring, and aim to the tourists whom have consumed to be the mainly population in this area. There are totally 413 valid samples, and analyze by Descriptive Analysis, Validity Analysis, One-way ANOVA, Correlation and Importance Performance Analysis(IPA). The result as follow: 1. By sixteen options of recreated motivation, to get rid of life stress and anxiety are most significantly, the second is the perfect quality of hot spring water, the third is to increase relationship of family and friends. 2. In tourists orientation-expecting, the most important options that customers’ expectation are road sign, appropriated parking lot, facilities and comfortable, environment clean and hot spring space of specific area in Juisui hot spring. 3. In tourists post-experience, the most satisfied options are environment clean of hot spring area, workers’ attitude and appropriated parking lot. 4. There are seven options that should be kept in specific hot spring area which are appropriated parking lot, hot spring space, environment clean, workers attitude, facilities and comfortable, hot spring price and road sign, only one option in over supply which is area scale. There are seven options in low-rank which are preferential activities, meal price, safety installation, meal fresh, the feeling of meal vision, meal flavor and too many tourists. The signs of guidance and explanation that should prevent immediately on administration of Juisui hot spring. 5. Market segment will be an absolutely essential problem between Juisui hot spring and Antong hot spring. The suggestions of Juisui hot spring future trend as follow: to control conservation and development of hot spring resources, to find new customers, the signs of guidance and explanation, to force marketing, to beautify landscape, to create flavor food of hot spring and local specialty goods, behavior regulation of tourists, to force sanitation of environment and to establish the estimation system.


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