  • 學位論文


Application of fuzzy multiple objective planning on carbonization process decision for beeches biomass material

指導教授 : 王貳瑞


本研究旨在整合炭化製程與模糊多目標規劃方法,以建構炭化產物之生產決策模式,期達到兼顧符合生產效能之目的。研究中將炭化製程所需時間、燒製時溫度控制與炭化機台所需耗用能源等因素納入模式之考量。模糊多目標模式考慮固定產品需求下,不同能源耗用的生產成本之不確定性,以數學規劃軟體LINGO撰寫程式進行求解。模式測式以案例公司提供歐洲山毛櫸之炭化機台進行炭化製程,評估透過機台消耗電能轉換為乙炔和木炭兩種能源所需消耗量,進而比較三種能源與尋求最佳生產決策方案。研究結果進一步分析成本效益與敏感度,以作為實際生產決策之參考。電力耗能數據可轉換為其他能源之數值,供案例公司及未來工廠產能設計之參考。 關鍵字:炭化製程、炭化產物、歐洲山毛櫸、能源熱值、模糊多目標線性規劃


The aim of this study was to integrate carbonization process and fuzzy multi-objective linear programming (FMOLP) approach for carbonization products in line with production effectiveness and energy conservation. Factors considered in the proposed model on carbonization process are time consumed in the process, temperature control, and energy consumption. With fixed demand, a fuzzy multi-objective linear model was formulated to evaluate the uncertainty of production cost among different energy sources and the software of LINGO was utilized to solve the implemented case. Also, parameters regarding to carbonization machine were assessed to demonstrate energy efficiency through converting electrical power to acetylene and charcoals. Furthermore, a comparison was conducted to determine the strategies with production systems for decision making. By using beeches as carbonized material, implementation results demonstrated the potentials of cost-effectiveness, carbonization process, and the applicability of FMOLP in the aspect of charcoal and wood vinegar products. A sensitivity analysis was designated to demonstrate the cost effectiveness of FMOLP in different carbonization processes. Results from the implementation provided the feasibility of energy conversion from electrical power to other energy sources and an evaluation of production capacity for expansion is therefore suggested. Key words: Carbonization process, Carbonization products, European beech, Energy calorific value, Fuzzy multi-objective linear programming (FMOLP).


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