  • 學位論文


A Study on Motivations and Strategies of Preschool Educators’ Participation in Professional Association

指導教授 : 林純雯


本研究旨在探討教保服務人員參與職業組織的概況及不同背景變項教保服務人員參與職業組織的動機及方式之差異情形,並探究其參與動機與方式間之相關。 為達上述目的,本研究採用文獻分析及問卷調查法,藉以蒐集、瞭解不同背景教保服務人員參與職業組織的概況、動機及方式之情形。本研究之對象為台灣本島幼兒園之教保服務人員,以分層隨機抽樣方式選取樣本,總共發出1200份問卷,回收有效問卷854份,有效問卷回收率為71.17%。調查所得資料則以SPSS for Windows 20.0版統計套裝軟體之描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關等統計方法進行分析處理。 歸納研究結果,獲得以下結論: 一、當前教保服務人員各級主管機關應協助成立教保服務人員組織。 二、教保服務人員參與職業組織之動機多元,其中以參與職業組織能夠讓自己成長,及對教保工作而言很重要兩者最為明顯。 三、教保服務人員參與職業組織的動機,會因為其職位高低而有所不同,尤其以被規定要加入、不知道為什麼要加入及不確定會有什麼收穫等參與動機的差異最大。 四、教保服務人員普遍積極參與職業組織,其中因感覺自己是組織的一份子及相信組織目標而參與者最為明顯。 五、資歷越深的教保服務人員,其參與職業組織的方式以積極參加選舉投票、仔細閱讀組織刊物及踴躍參加會員大會等行動方式最明顯。 六、教保服務人員參與職業組織的「整體參與動機」與「整體參與方式」之間有明顯的相關。 最後,根據本研究的結果提出建議,以供未來研究者之參考。


The study attempts to give an overview of preschool educators’ participation in professional association, explore the difference in motivations and strategies of preschool educators with different background variables in their participation in professional association, and probe into the correlation between motivations and strategies of their participation. In order to achieve the above objectives, the study adopted the methods of literature analysis and questionnaire survey. To collect information and understand the current situation, motivations and strategies of preschool educators of different backgrounds in their participation in professional association Taking the preschool educators of kindergartens in Taiwan Island as the targets, the study used hierarchical random sampling method to select samples. There were 1,200 questionnaires sent out, and 854 valid questionnaires returned. The response rate of valid questionnaires is 71.17%. With software package of SPSS 20.0 version for Windows, the collected investigation information was analyzed and processed by different statistical methods, including descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson product-moment correlation. Based on the research results, the following conclusions are drawn: 1. The existing various levels competent authority of preschool educators should assist establishment of preschool educator organizations. 2. The motivations of preschool educators’ participation in professional association are diversified. Among these motivations, the two most obvious ones are that preschool educators’ participation in professional association can make them grow, and is very important to their jobs of preschool education. 3. The motivations of preschool educators’ participation in professional association vary with the ranks of preschool educators. The difference in especially great in these participation motivations: they are required to participate in professional association, but do not know why they have to participate in it, and are not sure what they will gain from their participation. 4. In general, preschool educators actively participate in professional association. The most obvious reason is that these participators think that each of them is a member of professional association, and believe in the goals of the association. 5. The most obvious actions that senior preschool educators take when participating in professional association are to vote in election, read the publication of professional association carefully, and enthusiastically participate in the annual meeting of professional association. 6. Between “overall participation motivation” and “overall participation strategies” of preschool educators in participation in professional association, there is obvious correlation. Finally, according to the acquired research results, the study gives suggestions for future researchers as a reference.


