  • 學位論文


Applying Technology Acceptance Model and Herding Behavior to Study the Purchasing Intentions of Consumers to Sport Wearable Devices

指導教授 : 陳灯能


隨者運動風氣的盛行,運動型穿戴式設備儼然已成為運動競賽選手們在進行運動訓練或競賽時的必備裝備之一。然而消費者對於運動型穿戴式設備之購買意圖,不單只是因為穿戴式設備能為其生活帶來便利性,也因為其容易使用及受到朋友們的口語相傳所影響。本研究以科技接受模式及從眾行為理論為基礎,以擁有運動型穿戴式設備之消費者為研究對象,探討消費者對於運動型穿戴式設備的購買意圖。本研究採用問卷調查法,總共收集308份有效問卷,再利用SPSS20.0及AMOS 21統計套裝軟體進行問卷整理及分析統計,並驗證本研究所提出之各項假說。研究結果顯示在影響消費者的運動型穿戴式設備購買意圖的變數中,消費者的認知有用性會影響其態度,消費者的個人特性及群體特性會影響消費者的從眾行為,而從眾行為會影響消費者的態度,最終影響購買運動型穿戴式設備的意圖。


With the fashion of sports, the sport wearable devices have become one of the necessary equipment of the contestants in the sport games. Therefore, to study the impact factors on the purchasing intentions of consumers to the sport wearable devices is an interesting research issue. In this research, we developed a research model based on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Herding Behavior theory to explore why the consumers want to buy a sport wearable device. We conducted a questionnaire survey, and selected the consumer who has at least one sport wearable device as the research subject. There were 308 effective samples collected and we applied SPSS 20 and AMOS 21 as the statistical tools to analyze the research model. The analysis results showed that, both of attitude and herding behavior of consumers have significant impacts on the purchasing intension of sport wearable devices. The research results are helpful to the sport wearable device manufacturers to make the marketing strategy.


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