  • 學位論文


An Investigation of Capon Industry Development in Liudui Area Based on Porter’s Five Forces Analysis Theory

指導教授 : 鍾鳳嬌 郭訓德


閹雞(Capon)就是把約4-8週齡左右公雞腹腔體內的睪丸摘除,公雞閹割後具有不啼叫、不打鬥、生長快、肉質鮮嫩等特點。因失去雄性素分泌,使得公雞基礎率代謝顯著降低,生長和肥大的速度加快,在正確的飼養管理環境下,閹雞可達到「老公雞的體重,老母雞的油脂,小雞肉的嫩度」。在六堆客家地區,閹雞產業過去是明星產業,而今是屬零散型產業,不再受人注目。 本研究透過質性研究與量化研究兩者並行方式,採「Porter五力分析理論」(Porter five forces analysis)觀點切入,以閹雞產業為主題,探討閹雞產業形成零散的原因,並以SWOT分析法擬定策略。研究方法是採用個案研究法、半結構式訪談法、觀察法、問卷調查法來綜合進行。 本研究針對五力分析問卷調查結果,以替代品的威脅競爭強度最高,顯示最能影響閹雞產業。而影響閹雞產業形成零散的重要原因有七點,分別是:一、加入產業障礙低;二、缺少規模經濟或經驗曲線;三、高庫存或銷售不穩定;四、與供應商或客戶接觸時,感受不到規模經濟的優勢;五、產業在地化;六、市場需求不同;七、地方法規限制等。 研究結果發現:1.六堆地區閹雞產業普遍為小規模經營模式,市場上受產業零散因素影響極深。2.缺乏上、下游整合一體的產業鏈,故經營績效普遍不理想。3.受動保法與動物傳染病防治法的規章,嚴重影響該產業的發展。4.六堆地區各堆語言雖相同,但文化、風俗、民情略有不同,各堆並不見得有農戶願意以此為業。5.因生活型態和居住型態改變,自家飼養閹雞比例大幅減少。6.古早閹雞目前已成為全臺閹雞品種中最大宗,但六堆地區的閹雞場所飼養閹雞品種也隨產季調節,無法判別哪種較多,這與畜主個人飼養的習慣與認知不同有關。 實務應用之建議:1.建立「品牌行銷」制度;2.找出核心價值,獲得地方政府重視;3.建立良好的產銷管道;4.迎合未來市場需求;5.適時與動物福利尋求一平衡點。研究之建議分別為:1.有效蒐集大數據;2.出版閹雞有關料理食譜;3.建立閹雞文化資料庫。


Caponization is to remove the testicles from abdominal cavity of roosters aging from about 4 to 8 weeks. The features of the castrated roosters include no crowing, no fighting, fast growing, and the texture of tender meat. The Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) of roosters decreases significantly due to the loss of androgen. Hence, the speed of growing and hypertrophying accelerates. Within the environment of correct feeding management, capons can meet the standards of “weights of old roosters, oil distribution of hens, tender textures of chicks”. Capon industry used to be a popular industry in Liudui Hakka area, but now it has turned into a fragmented industry, no longer a striking industry. This study adopted both qualitative and quantitative methods, focusing on the capon industry. To explore the reasons of the fragmented capon industry, the SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis was used to analyze the data from Porter’s five forces analysis theory. The investigation is synthesized with case study, semi-structured interviews, observation, and questionnaire. According to the questionnaire results, the threats of substitutes is the most influential factor in the capon industry. There are seven important factors affecting the capon industry becomes fragmented. First, the industry’s low barriers. Second, the industry’s lack of economies scale or experience curve. Third, the industry’s high stocks or unstable marketing. Four, the industry’s inability to sense the strengths of economies scale when making contacts with suppliers or customers. Fifth, the industry’s localization. Sixth, the industry’s different market demands. Seventh, the restrictions from local regulations. The results indicate that the capon industry in Liudui area is generally run in small scales, greatly influenced by the fragmented industry factors in the market. Besides, the industry lacks the integrated chain from both upstream and downstream, leading to the unideal operating performance. Under the regulations of the Animal Protection Act and the Animal Disease Prevention Act, the development of the industry is seriously influenced. Although each area in Liudui use the same language, their culture and customs are slightly different. Not all the farmers from each area are willing to take part in the industry. Due to the changes of lifestyle and living patterns, the proportion of people feeding their own capons dropped significantly. Capons from the old days have become Taiwan's largest breeds, but the breed of capons are adjusted according to the seasons, based on the owners’ habits and cognitive understanding. The suggestions to the capon industry are: First, to create a "brand marketing" system; second, to identify the core values to get attention from the government; third, to establish a stable pipeline for production and sell; fourth, to meet the future market demand; fifth, to find balance with animal welfare from time to time. As to the suggestions for future research, collecting big data effectively, publishing capon recipes, and establishing culture database of capons.


