  • 學位論文


Synthesis of TiO2 photocatalysts using yeast bio-template and it's photocatalytic study

指導教授 : 林耀堅


多氯聯苯(PCBs)在自然環境中是一種高穩定性的污染物,其不易被生物分解,於環境中容易造成嚴重的危害。有許多的研究都致力於設計與製造具有高光催化效率的TiO2。在各種不同的研究中,有兩個方向被廣泛的發展。一個方向是製造特殊形態的TiO2光催化劑,另一個方向是摻雜金屬或非金屬。生物模板因為無需複雜的準備工作,已被證明是非常有效的用於合成特殊材料。因此,在本研究中,使用酵母菌做為生物模板合成多孔TiO2及TiO2空心微球,兩種不同型態之TiO2,並進一步探討處理亞甲基藍與PCBs水溶液光解效能之研究。   XRD分析結果經資料庫(JCPDS)比對,本研究合成的多孔TiO2,不僅有銳鈦礦相及金紅石相的波峰,還有碳的波峰。而TiO2空心微球由於鈦成分較低而呈現非晶相。SEM結果表示,酵母模板是形成多孔結構及空心微球結構主要的因素。EDS元素分析證明了,酵母菌不僅被作為模板亦作為TiO2的碳摻雜劑。BET結果顯示,使用酵母做為生物模板合成多孔TiO2與塊狀TiO2相比可增加85%~108%的表面積。從光降解實驗中得知,Porous-600在自然日光下照射下40分鐘,亞甲基藍降解率達到98%。這分別是由於多孔TiO2較大的比表面積可以提供更多反應位點,以及碳摻雜後比純TiO2更高的電子-電洞對分離效率之協同作用結果。最後,以最佳條件之觸媒針對絕緣油之多氯聯苯進行降解,其去除率為51%,光照反應前後PCBs溶液對海洋發光菌的毒性抑制率下降了12.1%;於持久性試驗的結果證實,本研究自行製備之觸媒可重覆再利用,是對環境與經濟有利的。


PCBs are one kind of high stability pollutants in the natural environment and hard to be biodegraded. PCBs have created serious contamination in the environment. Many studies have been used to design and fabricate TiO2 photocatalyst with highly photocatalytic efficiency. Among the various researches, there are two efforts which could enhance the performance of photocatalysts. One approach is to fabricate special morphological TiO2 photocatalyst. The other approach uses metals or non-metallic doping. For the fabrication, biotemplate method has been demonstrated to be very effective in synthesizing special materials without complex preparation. Thus, in this study, the synthesis of porous-TiO2 and TiO2 hollow spheres by using yeast cell as bio-template was studied. To further explore the treatment of methylene bule and PCBs aqueous solutions, the porous-TiO2 and TiO2 hollow spheres were compared. The results of XRD analysis were used to compare the JCPDS authentication database for Porous TiO2 in this study. The crystal types not only include anatase and rutile but also carbon peak. The SEM results, Yeast template is a major factor to form the porous structure and hollow microspheres. EDS elemental analysis proved yeast not only used as template but also as carbon dopants for TiO2. BET results using yeast as bio-template to synthesis porous TiO2 show the increase of 85% ~ 108% of the surface area. Degradation percentages for Porous-600 of methylene bule were 95% under natural sunlight after 1 hour. It is a kind of synergism, which is resulted from the increased of BET surface area that can provide more reactive sites and carbon doped of higher electron–hole pair separation efficiency compared to pure TiO2. At last, using the best experimental factor to study the degradation of PCBs. At last, using the best experimental factor to study the degradation of PCBs. The degradation percentage was 51% and microtox inhibition percentage dropped by 12.1% after the photocatalysis. Durability experiment confirmed that self-prepared catalysts in this study can be economically benefitial for the applications of environmental protection studies.


