  • 學位論文


Characteristics of fly ash stabilization in an incineration plant - a case study in southern Taiwan

指導教授 : 謝連德


本研究之研究對象為台灣南部某焚化廠,係蒐集該廠歷年之飛灰與穩定化物採樣檢測數據,再利用檢測數據辦理主成分分析。蒐集之檢測數據期間為自92年建廠營運起至104年12月止共計13餘年。由所蒐集之歷年分析檢測數據進行主成分分析,分析中主要對於各金屬元素如:汞、鉛、鎘、鉻、砷、六價鉻、銅、硒與鋇等作KMO與Bartlett 球形檢定、組成元素之總變異量與組成元素成份空間分佈圖。藉以觀察各金屬元素之組成分佈與相關性,並有利於後續辦理此相關研究之參考。 本研究藉由原灰與穩定化物之採樣分析數據利用主成分分析,研究結果顯示: 由主成分分析之相關性矩陣可以觀察出,原灰與穩定化物皆為六價鉻與鉻之相關性較高(原灰為0.84、穩定化物為0.54)。以適切性係數判斷,原灰之KMO值為0.60,穩定化物之KMO值為0.50,顯示原灰與穩定化物之採樣檢測數據僅作主成分分析即可。以總變異量分析觀察之,原灰可解釋之全部變異為69.23%,穩定化物可解釋之全部變異為75.71%。原灰之成份矩陣經過轉軸分析後可以觀察出不同的結果,係鉻(0.85)、六價鉻(0.87)、硒(0.78)、鉛(0.76)、銅(0.83)、鎘(-0.78)、Sn(-0.87)與元件1~4之相關係數較高;而穩定化物之成份矩陣經過轉軸分析後可以觀察到的結果為汞(0.86)、鉛(0.77)、鉻(0.82)、六價鉻(0.86)、銅(0.73)、硒(0.91)、鋇(0.95)與元件1~5之相關係數較高。 在該廠操作管理上之建議,已提醒該廠之操作需提升飛灰穩定化物攪拌品質。而近年之啟停爐次數偏高(自100年度起因鍋爐爐管破漏而停機維修次數,每年度高達14至21次),已影響原灰與穩定化物之採樣分析數據。另外,濾式集塵器之濾袋品質欠佳與多處破漏造成冷空氣進入等情事,亦已提出建議請該廠研提改善濾袋採購規格制定並督促修復袋濾式集塵器之檢修,以降低消石灰使用量及維持原灰與穩定化物之品質。


The subject of this study was an incinerator in Southern Taiwan. Based on this plant’s data of fly ash and fly ash stabilization over 13 years, from initial operation in 2003 to Dec 2015, this study conducted a principal components analysis (PCA) of the data. The major metal elements, including Hg, Pb, Cd, Cr, As, Cr6+, Cu, Se, and Ba, were analyzed for KMO, Bartlett’s test, total variance explained, and distribution of components. Through the analysis, the distribution and correlations of components of each metal element could be identified and used in related research. The PCA of raw fly ash and fly ash stabilization yielded the following results: The correlation matrix suggested that Cr6+ and Cr were most highly correlated in raw fly ash and fly ash stabilization (0.844 and 0.540 respectively). In KMO test, the KMO value for raw fly ash was 0.60, and that for fly ash stabilization was 0.50, suggesting that both samples were adequate for PCA. The analysis of total variance explained showed that the total variance explained by raw fly ash was 69.27% and that by fly ash stabilization was 75.71%. After rotation of the component matrix of raw fly ash, different results were obtained. Cr (0.85), Cr6+(0.87), Se(0.78), Pb(0.76), Cu(0.83), Cd(-0.78), and As(-0.87) were more highly correlated with components 1~4. The rotated component matrix of fly ash stabilization showed that Hg(0.86), Pb(0.77), Cr(0.82), Cr6+(0.86), Cu(0.73), Se(0.91), and Ba(0.95) were more highly correlated with components 1~5. As to the managerial suggestions for this plant, results indicate that the mixing quality of fly ash stabilization should be enhanced. The high frequency of suspension of the incinerator operation in recent years (since 2011, the incinerator operation had to be suspended for repair of boiler tube leakage about 14-21 times each year) has affected the sampling of raw fly ash and fly ash stabilization. Besides, the quality of filter bags for the filter-type dust collector was poor and the multiple leak holes on the bags would cause problems such as inflow of cool air. The plant is therefore advised to improve its specifications when purchasing filter bags and ensure effective maintenance of the dust collector to reduce use of slaked lime and maintain the quality of raw fly ash and fly ash stabilization.


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