  • 學位論文


Epidemiological Study on Infectious synovitis of Native Chickens in Taitung Country

指導教授 : 廖明輝教授


中文摘要 學號:N9622020 總頁數:86 論文名稱:臺東縣土雞傳染性滑膜炎流行病學調查 學校名稱:國立屏東科技大學 系(所):熱帶農業暨國際合作研究系(所)碩士在職專班 畢業時間及摘要別:九十八年度第一學期碩士學位論文摘要 研究生:邱任賦 指導教授:廖明輝 教授 論文摘要內容: 雞隻傳染性滑膜炎(Infectious Synovitis)的主要病原Mycoplasma synoviae,在黴漿菌的分類上是屬於Type S。自93年起至97年統計本縣近五年來檢驗家禽病例共224件,家禽關節炎的病例數有72件,其中傳染性滑膜炎即佔關節炎病例約45%(32件)。死亡率雖不高(少於1%),但其發生率極高,雞隻常因關節炎而導致運動障礙、消瘦及生長不良等症狀使淘汰率升高,造成有色肉雞經濟損失的重要原因之ㄧ,因而造成養禽戶損失嚴重。本次研究藉由血清學檢查Mycoplasma synoviae感染情形,93-97年陽性率22.7%~100%。96-97年進行雛雞採檢,於入場約50日齡時進行後續追蹤,成功分離出96C03.04.05.09及97C02.06.13.14共8株Mycoplasma synoviae,經基因序列與GeneBank中登錄為AE017245.1的Mycoplasma synoviae 53比對後相似度為96.2%~99.5%。選定10場在94-97年間感染Mycoplasma synoviae進行相關資料彙整,發現若降低平均飼養隻數則有助降低感染率。此外,統計94-97年間病例,亦可發現平均飼養隻數降低,病例數亦隨之降低,反之則病例數增加。93-97年送檢病例統計結果病例多集中在3-5月及9-11月間,好發於養禽場集中之地區,發病雞齡以1-2月齡偏多。 關鍵字:傳染性滑膜炎、關節炎、流行病學


Abstract Infectious synovitis (IS) is caused by Mycoplasma synoviae that belongs to type S group of Mycoplasma classification . In this study , 224 cases of avian diseases were recorded in 5 years (2004~2008) . Among them , 72 cases were avian arthritis , and 32 out of the 72 cases (45%) were caused by IS . Although the mortality rate of IS is low , the incidence remains very high . Clinical signs of the affected chickens include motion disabilities , weakness , and poor growth performance . This is one of the most important economical losses for poultry breeders . In this study , serological analysis was used to moniter the situation of infections induced by Mycoplasma synoviae , The ratios of positive from 2004 to 2008 varied from 22.7% to 100% . By tracing the day-old chicks for 50 days , 8 different groups of Mycoplasma synoviae were isolated successfully . Comparative analysis of the genomes from this study and 53 Mycoplasma synoviae genomes from the GeneBank (AE017245.1), indicated high similarity of 96.2%~99.5% . Data form 10 farms that were infected with Mycoplasma synoviae between 2005-2008 showed that decreasing the number of chickens can reduce the rate of infection greately . Statistical analysis of the cases form 2005-2008 , confirmed this finding . The incidence of this disease tends to increase from March to May and September to November . Those farms with a high density had higher disease outbreaks and more incidences in chicken between 1 to 2 months old . Keywords: Infectious Synovitis, arthritis,Epidemiology


Infectious Synovitis arthritis Epidemiology


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Jung, C. H. (2012). Mycoplasma gallisepticum活菌疫苗在雞隻早期免疫對其他呼吸道病原之協同毒性效應 [master's thesis, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6346/NPUST.2012.00276
